Contract Details

Supply Food Products for Residential Centers of Adults with Disabilities - 5 Lots Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Supply Food Products for Residential Centers of Adults with Disabilities - 5 Lots GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHILD PROTECTION SIBIU Supply Food Products for Residential Centers of Adults with Disabilities - 5 Lots Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Provision of food for residential centers of adults with disabilities - 5 lots Contract No.: 817 Reference Number: 975309620201 Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 1552955.46 - Ron Description: Framework agreement for supply and delivery of food products (5 lots) necessary for the institutionalized beneficiaries from the centers subordinated to the contracting authority DGASPC Sibiu, according to the specifications. br The value of the framework agreement also includes the transport of food products to the centers subordinated to the contracting authority DGASPC Sibiu. br The estimation of the minimum and maximum quantities related to the framework agreement and the highest subsequent contract can be found at the level of the award documentation (centralizing quantities for each lot, annexes to the specification). br The number of days up to which clarifications can be requested before the deadline for submission of tenders is 15 days, and the contracting authority will clearly and completely respond to all the applications for additional clarifications /information on the 11th day before the set date For submitting bids ... Romania Contract value : 1,552,955.46 RON Contractors : SIGISMUND COM, NORDIC IMPEX S.R.L., AMBROSIA, PREXICO S.R.L., GREWE 28/03/2022 04/05/2022 01/01/1900 78299761 04/05/2022 GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHILD PROTECTION SIBIU Address : Address: Street: Mitropoliei, no. 2 Town: Sibiu Nuts -Code: RO126 - Sibiu Postal Code: 550179 Contact Point: Public Procurement Office and Social Services Contract Phone: +40 269232066 Fax: +40 269232575 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 28/03/2022 01/01/1900 1,552,955.46 RON
Justice Bolt Justice Highway Turned Product and Screw Other Justice Highway Highway Other Justice Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw
Nuts Office, school and office equipment cleaning services Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Other services Postal orders Dates
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Oil and Gas Transportation Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Sports and Leisure Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
1,552,955.46 RON
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