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Periodic Delivery of Medicinal Products from Anatomo-therapeutic Groups R, S and V for the Needs of mbal - Shumen Ad by Separate Positions Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Periodic Delivery of Medicinal Products from Anatomo-therapeutic Groups R, S and V for the Needs of mbal - Shumen Ad by Separate Positions MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT - SHUMEN AD Designation of a Contractor for the Implementation of the Information and Communication Measures for 4 Sites from Phase 2 of prevention and Counteraction of Landslides on the National Road Network Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Designation of a contractor for the implementation of the information and communication measures for 4 sites from phase 2 of prevention and counteraction of landslides on the national road network Contract No. : ?-112 / 01.10.2020 Reference Number: 2020 / S 197-477209 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 19680.00 - BGN Description: The implementation of the information measures. and communicator. is based on clear priorities to achieve the max. awareness of the general public on rel. of the four sites of phase 2 of prevention and counteraction of landslides on the national road network of the Operational Program Environment 2014-2020 The activities that are needed. to be performed for each of the four sites separately are: 1. To make and publish in the press messages (PR publications) of 2 pieces or a total of 8 pieces for the order. 2. To organize information events (public events) of 2 pieces or a total of 8 pieces for the order. 3. To organize an officer. groundbreaking ceremony and opening of the site) 2 pieces or a total of 8 pieces for the order. 4. To create text information with photo ma ... Bulgaria Contract value : 575,446.09 BGN Contractors : DANSON-BG LTD., MAGLAPHRUM BULGARIA EAD, MEDEX LTD., FOICS PHARMA LTD., SOPHARMA TRADING AD 28/05/2021 19/06/2021 See in details 76883988 18/11/2020 AGENCY ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE Address : Address: Bul. Macedonia 3 Town: Sofia NUTS-Code: BG411 - Sofia (capital) Postal Code: 1606 Contact Point: Anton Dinev Phone: +359 29173215 Fax: +359 29522563 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 01/10/2020 See in details 19,680.00 BGN
Navigational Justice Piece Goods Apparel Justice Other Justice Measuring Navigational Environment Other Justice Agencies Piece Goods
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Presses Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Publications Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Networking, Internet and intranet software package Other services Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe
Healthcare and Medicine Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel
Contract Value
19,680.00 BGN
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