Contract Details

Ro19/comms/0023 To Engage A Design Company To Develop A Set Of Visual Communication Materials To Promote Spoh 2020. Singapore

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Contract Award's Details : Ro19/comms/0023 To Engage A Design Company To Develop A Set Of Visual Communication Materials To Promote Spoh 2020. Singapore Polytechnic Department Of Communications. Singapore Polytechnic 500 Dover Road Sg 139651. Requestor: Low Su-Lin(Comms) Tel: 68704609 Who To Contact: Low Su-Lin Email :Low_Su-Lin@Sp.Edu.Sg Tel :68704609 Ro19/comms/0023 To Engage A Design Company To Develop A Set Of Visual Communication Materials To Promote Spoh 2020. Contract awarded for Ro19/comms/0023 to engage a design company to develop a set of visual communication materials to promote spoh 2020. Delivery Date: 31 Jul 2019 Offer Validity Duration: 90 Days Payment Terms: For payment to local suppliers, SP will credit the payment to suppliers~ bank accounts via direct credit. Suppliers will receive electronic remittance advices with details of invoice numbers, date and amount from the bank. To participate in the Direct Credit Payment Scheme, please send your enquiry to 6 suppliers responded. 1) apt 811 design & innovation agency pte. Ltd. Total price: 39,050.00 (sgd) 2) avant-garde media arts pte. Ltd. Total price: 35,800.00 (sgd) 3) collective pte. Ltd. Total price: 114,950.00 (sgd) 4) danamic pte. Ltd. Total price: 30,100.00 (sgd) 5) design fusion pte ltd total price: 43,090.00 (sgd) 6) studiokaleido llp total price: 73,000.00 (sgd) Awarded Date: 13 Jul 2019 Singapore Contract value : 39,050.00 SGD Contractors : APT 811 DESIGN & INNOVATION AGENCY PTE. LTD. See in details 13/07/2019 13/10/2019 13527932 13/07/2019 Singapore Polytechnic Department Of Communications. Singapore Polytechnic 500 Dover Road Sg 139651. Requestor: Low Su-Lin(Comms) Tel: 68704609 Who To Contact: Low Su-Lin Email :Low_Su-Lin@Sp.Edu.Sg Tel :68704609 Address : Singapore Singapore Contract Awards Singapore SPO000ETQ19300233 See in details 13/10/2019 39,050.00 SGD
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Contract Value
39,050.00 SGD
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