Contract Details

Technical Assistance in Support of Inclusive and Innovative Ecological Development of the Agricultural Sector (Lot 1) and the Forestry Sector (Lot 2). Morocco

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Contract Award's Details : Technical Assistance in Support of Inclusive and Innovative Ecological Development of the Agricultural Sector (Lot 1) and the Forestry Sector (Lot 2). COMMISSION EUROPEENNE, NEAR - NEIGHBOURHOOD AND ENLARGEMENT NEGOTIATIONS Technical Assistance in Support of Inclusive and Innovative Ecological Development of the Agricultural Sector (Lot 1) and the Forestry Sector (Lot 2). Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Technical assistance in support of inclusive and innovative ecological development of the agricultural sector (LOT 1) and the forestry sector (LOT 2). Reference Number: NEAR/RBA/2023/EA-RP/0093 Contract Type: services Estimated Value: 2452900 - EUR Description: Enclose coordination with the technical assistance already mobilized: - Provide permanent quality technical assistance to the Department of Agriculture and the National Agency for Water and Forests (one per batch), - Contribute to capacity building, lead the reflection on updatingpolicy, taking into account new environmental, climatic, social and governance issues - Make experts available for medium/short-term interventions in order, on the one hand, to provide specific one-off expertise and, on the other hand, on the other hand to carry out studies,relevant surveys and analyses. Technical assistance in support of the forestry sector (LOT 2). Authority Type: eu-ins-bod-ag Doc Title: Technical assistance in support of inclusive and innovative ecological development of the agricultural sector (LOT 1) and the forestry sector (LOT 2). Dispatch Date: 2024-11-21 PublishDate: 2024-11-25 Morocco Contract value : 2,452,900.00 EUR Contractors : NIRAS FINLAND OY, AFCI CONSULTANTS MAROC SARL AU, ONF INTERNATIONAL, GOPA AFC GMBH 10/07/2024 25/11/2024 01/01/1900 82549020 25/11/2024 COMMISSION EUROPEENNE, NEAR - NEIGHBOURHOOD AND ENLARGEMENT NEGOTIATIONS Address : Address: RIAD BUSINESS CENTER, Aile Sud, Boulevard Er-Riad Quartier Hay Riad, B.P 1302, NEAR.R - Resources,NEAR.R.4 - Contracts and Finance Neighbourhood Town: Rabat Postal Code: N/A Phone: +32 2 299 11 11 Morocco Morocco Contract Awards Morocco 10/07/2024 01/01/1900 2,452,900.00 EUR
Business Copper Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation International Agriculture Agencies Copper Water
Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper Lead Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis Supports Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic and hydrological instruments and appliances Other services Postal orders Dates
Awards Water Business cases Forestry Agriculture, forestry and garden handtools Case making services IP phones Water, sanitation and hygiene kits Water, sanitation and hygiene kit Water, sanitation and hygiene kits Airport Maps, Networks (GIS), Studies E-Passport, Id, E-Health Services, Surveys, Planning & Studies (Aviation)
Africa MENA Countries Northern Africa
Building Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Water and Sanitation Environmental Work Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Petroleum Products Building Material
Contract Value
2,452,900.00 EUR
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