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Electricity Croatia

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Contract Award's Details : Electricity PLINACRO D.O.O. Electricity Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Elektricna energija Reference Number: PN-Z-298/24-ŽF Contract Type: supplies Estimated Value: 700620.04 - EUR Description: Electricity is supplied in accordance with the Technical Specification / Cost Book, Ordinance on the general conditions for using the network andsupply of electricity (Official Gazette, No. 100/22) in compliance with the Law on the Electricity Market (Official Gazette, No. 111/21, 83/23) and other regulations that regulate the electricity market. The supplied electricity must contain minimum 50% electricityfrom renewable sources. In order to stimulate the production of energy from renewable sources, and in order for it to become more competitive with energy obtained from conventional sources and to encourage the construction of new sources of renewable energy and achieve sustainable development, the client determined that electricitymust contain the above-mentioned minimum percentage of electricity from renewable sources. Namely, based on the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan and the criteria for green public procurement in the EU for electricity, at least 50% of the supplied electricity must come from renewable sourcesenergy and/or from high-efficiency cogeneration (provided that the Bidder should specify the share of electricity from renewable sources that he intends to supply the Client). Renewable energy sources are energy from renewable non-fossil sources, for example wind energy,solarn... Croatia Contract value : 700,620.04 EUR Contractors : HEP-OPSKRBA D.O.O. 23/07/2024 06/09/2024 01/01/1900 82471410 06/09/2024 PLINACRO D.O.O. Address : Croatia Croatia Croatia Contract Awards Croatia 23/07/2024 01/01/1900 700,620.04 EUR
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700,620.04 EUR
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