Contract Details

3025 4.9.2 Regementsgatan Mex 4, Part Fersens Vag - Mariedalsvagen Sweden

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Contract Award's Details : 3025 4.9.2 Regementsgatan Mex 4, Part Fersens Vag - Mariedalsvagen CITY OF MALMOE, PROPERTY AND STREET OFFICE 3025 4.9.2 Regementsgatan Mex 4, Part Fersens Vag - Mariedalsvagen Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: 3025 4.9.2 Regementsgatan MEX 4, part Fersens vag - Mariedalsvagen Reference Number: 23/61 Contract Type: works Estimated Value: 94389000 - SEK Description: The construction includes reconstruction of the entire street space within a densely built-up area and involves work withroad construction, VA lines, bus stops, plantings, electricity and lighting works. The project is located in Malmoe city and includes Regementsgatan, between Fersens vag and Mariedalsvagen, including both intersections, as well as a stretch of Mariedalsvagen between Erikstorpsgatan andFagelbacksgatan. Tender form The project includes the reconstruction of the entire street space within a densely built-up area and involves work with road construction, VA lines, bus stops, plantings, electricity and lighting works. The project is located in the city of Malmoe and includes Regementsgatan, between Fersens vagand Mariedalsvagen, including both intersections, as well as a stretch of Mariedalsvagen between Erikstorpsgatan and Fagelbacksgatan. Authority Type: ra Doc Title: 3025 4.9.2 Regementsgatan MEX 4, part Fersens vag - Mariedalsvagen Dispatch Date: 2024-11-07 Publish Date:2024-11-08 Sweden Contract value : 94,389,000.00 SEK Contractors : NCC SWEDEN AB, ANLAGGNING & KABEL ENTREPRENAD I MALMOE AB, VEIDEKKE ENTREPRENAD AB, SERNEKE SWEDEN AB, JONAB ANLAGGNINGS AB, INFRAKRAFT MALMOE AB 13/05/2024 08/11/2024 01/01/1900 82535284 08/11/2024 CITY OF MALMOE, PROPERTY AND STREET OFFICE Address : Address : 205 80 Malmoe Town : Malmoe NUTS-Code : SE224 - Skane laen Postal Code : 205 80 Contact Point : Magdalena Ripa Sweden Sweden Contract Awards Sweden 13/05/2024 01/01/1900 94,389,000.00 SEK
Highway Construction Highway Agriculture Highway Construction
Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Wells construction work Office, school and office equipment cleaning services Construction work Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Forms Goods used in construction Electricity Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Road construction works Postal orders Dates
Busses Awards Area lighting Tent, for office use
Europe Northern Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Light and Lighting Products Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
94,389,000.00 SEK
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