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Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment Slovakia

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Contract Award's Details : Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny 30794536 Špitálska 8 Bratislava-mestská cast Staré Mesto 812 67 SLOVAKIA Contact person: Mgr. Tatiana Stanková Telephone: +421 220441705 E-mail: NUTS co Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment Contract award notice: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment The contract is the after-sales service of computer equipment and power management devices for central operation, including related supplies spare parts or material and related disposal of waste as required. Subject of the contract includes the following services: a) the service post-warranty service and device management service on request, b) Regular services sales service and facilities management services (hereinafter also regular services sales service) c) special servicing on request. A more detailed specification is indicated in the tender podkladoch. II.1.6) Information about lots This contract is divided into lots: noII.1.7) Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT) Value excluding VAT: 1 601 208.33 EURII.2) Description II.2.1) Title: II.2.2) Additional CPV code (s) 50320000 50312000II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: SK Main site or place of performance: The whole territory SR.II.2.4) Description of the procurement: The contract is the after-sales service of computer equipment and power management devices for central operation, including related supplies spare parts or material and related disposal of waste as required. Subject of the contract includes the following services: a) the service post-warranty service and device management service on request, b) Regular services sales service and facilities management services, c) special servicing on request. All work will be carried out under the auspices expertov.II.2.5) Award criteria Cost criterion - Name: The lowest hourly price for regular servicing of computer equipment, including VAT / Weighting: 10 Cost criterion - Name: The lowest hourly price for the service of peripherals including VAT / Weighting: 5 Cost criterion - Name: The lowest hourly price for other service equipment including VAT / Weighting: 10 Cost criterion - Name: The lowest hourly price for the servicing of computer equipment for the central operation including VAT / Weighting: 10 Cost criterion - Name: Low monthly subscription charges related to the servicing of computer equipment for the central operation including VAT / Weighting: 5 Cost criterion - Name: The lowest hourly price for service peripheral devices for central operation including VAT / Weighting: 10 Cost criterion - Name: Lowest price of spare parts including / Weighting: 45 Cost criterion - Name: Lowest price for one trip within a SR + VAT / Weighting: 5II.2.11) Information about options Options: noII.2.13) Information about European Union funds The procurement is related to a project and / or program financed by European Union funds: noII.2.14) Additional information Section IV: Procedure IV.1) Description I V.1.1) Type Slovakia Contract value : See in details Contractors : DATALAN, A.S. See in details 04/05/2016 04/08/2016 9304139 04/05/2016 Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny 30794536 Špitálska 8 Bratislava-mestská cast Staré Mesto 812 67 SLOVAKIA Contact person: Mgr. Tatiana Stanková Telephone: +421 220441705 E-mail: NUTS co Address : Slovakia Slovakia Contract Awards Slovakia 153329-2016 See in details 04/08/2016 See in details
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