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Purchase of Services for Drawing up the Technical-economic Documentation for Investment Objectives Lot 1 Si2, Within the Project support at Niv. Reg. South Muntenia for Preparation of Projects ... Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Purchase of Services for Drawing up the Technical-economic Documentation for Investment Objectives Lot 1 Si2, Within the Project support at Niv. Reg. South Muntenia for Preparation of Projects ... CAMPINA MUNICIPALITY Purchase of Services for Drawing up the Technical-economic Documentation for Investment Objectives Lot 1 Si2, Within the Project support at Niv. Reg. South Muntenia for Preparation of Projects ... Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Title: The purchase of services for drawing up the technical-economic documentation for the investment objectives LOT 1 SI2, within the project Support at NIV. reg. South Muntenia for Preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021-2027 per dom. urban mobility, urban regeneration, infrastr. and service. Tourism public ... SMIS code 2014+ 143370/Project code: 1.1.153 Contract No.: 25935/078 Reference Number: 2843272_2021_Paapd1315009 Type Contract: Services Estimated Value: 3160600 - Ron Description: The general objective of the contract is to draw up technical-economic documentation for investment objectives: - Lot 1- Increasing non-polluting urban mobility through integrated type investments in intelligent solutions related to a mobility corridor and by redirecting the road traffic through an underground passage in the central area of ??Campina; br - Lot 2- Extension, modernization and endowment of the pedestrian space in the central area of ??Campina, in accordance with the legal provisions and compliance with the technical standards and norms, Value... Romania Contract value : 3,160,600.00 RON Contractors : S.C. THADEC ENGINEERING SRL S.R.L., URBAN SCOPE 22/03/2022 07/07/2022 01/01/1900 78443297 07/07/2022 CAMPINA MUNICIPALITY Address : Street: Culture, no. 18 <b> locality:- campina <b> Country:- Romania <b> Phone:- +40 244336134 <b> fax:- +40 244371458 <b> Internet address (URL):- <b> Address of the buyer's profile:- <b> e-mail:- <b> Fiscal code:- 2843272 <b> Postal code:- 105600 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 22/03/2022 01/01/1900 3,160,600.00 RON
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Contract Value
3,160,600.00 RON
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