Contract Details

personal Uniform Aci / Ai: Lot 1 - Gloves, Lot 2 -pulover, Lot 3 - Cap. Romania

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Contract Award's Details : personal Uniform Aci / Ai: Lot 1 - Gloves, Lot 2 -pulover, Lot 3 - Cap. NATIONAL COMPANY FOR ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT S.A. personal Uniform Aci / Ai: Lot 1 - Gloves, Lot 2 -pulover, Lot 3 - Cap. Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Personal Uniform ACI / AI: Lot 1 - Gloves, Lot 2 -Pulover, Lot 3 - Cap. Contract No.: 92/89057 Reference Number: 16054368/2123/2139 / S / 2 Contract Type: Supplies ESTIMATED VALUE: 115430 - RON Description: Product description is available in the specifications in this awarding documentation. br The minimum and maximum quantities estimated during the framework agreement, as well as for each subsequent contract, are in accordance with the Annex to the specifications for each batch. br Time limits for submission / reply to clarification requests / additional information: In accordance with Art. 160 par. (1) of Law no. 98/2016, with subsequent modifications and completions, the deadline for any interested economic operator has the right to request clarifications or additional information in connection with the awarding documentation is a maximum of 22 days before the date of submission of tenders. br In accordance with Art. 161 par. (1) of Law no. 98/2016, with subsequent modifications and completions the limit in which the authority ... Romania Contract value : 115,430.00 RON Contractors : NERAMO DISTRIBUTION, DIVERS CONSULTING GROUP S.R.L. 29/07/2021 15/12/2021 01/01/1900 77923590 15/12/2021 NATIONAL COMPANY FOR ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT S.A. Address : Address: Nr. 38 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 010873 Contact Point: Horia Nicolae, Chief Department of External Funds, Public Procurement Directorate Phone: +40 212643292 Fax: +40 213186662 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 29/07/2021 01/01/1900 115,430.00 RON
Arts Power Justice Justice Other Justice Management Other Justice Funds
Caps Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Gloves Work gloves Postal orders Dates Works of art Fuses, caps, igniters and electric detonators
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Human Resource-HR Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Electricity Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
115,430.00 RON
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