Contract Details

Providing It Equipment Within the Project green and High Performance Giurgiu Port Financing Agreement, Sub -activity 3 - Supply Chain Management System. Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Providing It Equipment Within the Project green and High Performance Giurgiu Port Financing Agreement, Sub -activity 3 - Supply Chain Management System. ILL LOGISTICS ROMANIA SRL Providing It Equipment Within the Project green and High Performance Giurgiu Port Financing Agreement, Sub -activity 3 - Supply Chain Management System. Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Providing IT equipment within the project GIURGIU Green Green Green Port Financing Agreement, Sub -activity 3 - Supply Chain Management System. br Contract No.: ILR / 20/281 / 31.08.2020 Reference Number: 004 Contract Type: Supplies ESTIMATED VALUE: 297000.00 - EUR Description: The future Contractor will be responsible for the supply (includes the transport, installation, testing, training of the beneficiary and commissioning) A of IT equipment in accordance with the requirements set out in the detailed technical specifications in the specifications, taking into account the conditions of use. br Any further details and additional information are detailed in the specifications. br br 32413100 - Network Routers 30213300 - Desktop Computer 30232110 - Laser Printers 30216130 - Barcode Readers 30216110 - Scanners for Computer USE 31682530 - Emergency Power Supplies 31711310 - SYSTEM FOR RECORDING ATTENDANCE 32510000 - Wireless Telecommunications System 48219000 - MISCELLANEOUS NETWORKING SOFTWARE PACKAGE Romania Contract value : 297,000.00 EUR Contractors : GLOBAL ITC BUSINESS CONSULTING SRL 31/08/2020 23/11/2021 01/01/1900 77844416 23/11/2021 ILL LOGISTICS ROMANIA SRL Address : Address: Garii Street, no. 30, Floor 1, Room 2. Town: Giurgiu NUTS-CODE: RO32 - Bucharest-Ilfov Postal Code: 080447 Contact Point: Marian Bujor PHONE: +40 246200410 Fax: +40 246200411 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 31/08/2020 01/01/1900 297,000.00 EUR
Power Business All Other Telecommunications All Other Telecommunications Highway All Other Telecommunications Machinery Highway Highway Management
Lasers System, storage and content management software package Scanners Port CT scanners Training, workout or aerobic services Parts of computers IT software package Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security System, storage and content management software development services Parts of chain Chain Emergency power supplies Postal orders Network routers
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Telecommunications Transportation Railways-Rail-Railroad Information Technology-IT Education and Training Defence and Security Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Sports and Leisure Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
297,000.00 EUR
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