Contract Details

Cleaning Services in the Premises of the Zus Branch in Rybnik and in Inspectorates As Well As in External Areas Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Cleaning Services in the Premises of the Zus Branch in Rybnik and in Inspectorates As Well As in External Areas SOCIAL INSURANCE INSTITUTION, RYBNIK BRANCH Deliveries of Laboratory Reagents, Lease of Analyzers and Apparatus Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Deliveries of laboratory reagents, lease of analyzers and instruments Contract No. : 2 Reference Number: 2021 / S 035-085576 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 4188065.28 - PLN Description: The subject of the contract are successive deliveries to the customer's premises of laboratory reagents and the lease of analyzers and devices. The quantity and type of ordered reagents as well as the requirements for analyzers and devices are given in detail in the price form constituting Appendix 3 to the ToR. Under the signed contract for the leased analyzers and devices, the contractor provides free service, provides a full free warranty and provides the necessary consumables. The given amounts of reagents, performed tests are the average demand for: - 24 months for package no. 1?25 and 28?34, - 36 months for the 26, package - 12 months for the 27th package The Ordering Party allows the possibility of changing the quantity of the ordered products, stating that the value of the signed contract may not be increased. The actual demand will result from the current needs from ... Poland Contract value : See in details Contractors : AGENCY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY GARDA SP. Z O.O., EZT SP. Z O.O., EZT SERWIS SP. Z O.O. 08/02/2021 20/02/2021 See in details 77107948 20/02/2021 PROVINCIAL OBSERVATION AND INFECTIOUS HOSPITAL FOR THEM. TADEUSZ BROWICZ Address : Address: Ul. st. Floriana 12th Town: Bydgoszcz NUTS-Code: PL92 - Masovian regional Postal Code: 85-030 Contact Point: Provincial Observatory and Infectious Hospital for them. Tadeusz Browicz Phone: +48 523 255 654 Fax: +48 523255664 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 05/02/2021 See in details 4,188,065.28 PLN
Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) Engineering, auxiliary, average, loss, actuarial and salvage insurance services Forms Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting Other services Postal orders
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Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Bridges and Tunnels Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Printing and Publishing Services Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Laboratory Equipment and Services Marine
Contract Value
4,188,065.28 PLN
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