Contract Details

Development of Design Documentation for the Task Entitled: expansion of Provincial Road No. 758 on the Section on the Border Between the Klimontów Commune (km Approx. 7 + 058) to the Top of the Klimontów Beltway (km Approx. 14 + 557) Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Development of Design Documentation for the Task Entitled: expansion of Provincial Road No. 758 on the Section on the Border Between the Klimontów Commune (km Approx. 7 + 058) to the Top of the Klimontów Beltway (km Approx. 14 + 557) SWIETOKRZYSKIE VOIVODESHIP - SWIETOKRZYSKI PROVINCIAL ROADS IN KIELCE Development of Design Documentation for the Task Entitled: expansion of Provincial Road No. 758 on the Section on the Border Between the Klimontów Commune (km Approx. 7 + 058) to the Top of the Klimontów Beltway (km Approx. 14 + 557) Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Development of design documentation for the task entitled: Expansion of provincial road No. 758 on the section from the border of the Klimont Commune (km approx. 7 + 058) to the beginning Klimontów beltway (km approx. 14 + 557) Reference Number: 42/2021 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 1620618.00 - PLN Description: 1. The order of the order is: Development of design documentation for the task entitled: Expansion of provincial road No. 758 on the section from the border of the Klimont Commune (km approx. 7 + 058) to the top of the Klimontów beltway (km approx. 14 + 557) - 7.5 km long Based on: Programming concept - Enough Company: Office for the development of programs and projects of communication engineering Lispus Marcin Dobek entitled: Expansion of provincial road No. 758 Within the limits of the Klimontów commune, along with the construction of a klimontów beltway - completed in 2017. Decision on environmental conditions of 29/10/2019, mark: R.6220.1.2016 issued by the Mayor of the Klimont Commune. SKO decision of 02.01.2020, sign: SKOOS-60/5183 / 276/2019 maintaining a DISU Klimontów mayor of 29.10.2019 in force. 71320000 - Engineering Design Services Car Poland Contract value : 1,620,618.00 PLN Contractors : PROMOST CONSULTING SP. FROM O.O. SP. TO. 15/11/2021 14/12/2021 01/01/1900 77921210 14/12/2021 SWIETOKRZYSKIE VOIVODESHIP - SWIETOKRZYSKI PROVINCIAL ROADS IN KIELCE Address : Address: ul. Jagiellonska 72 Town: Kielce NUTS-CODE: PL - Poland Postal Code: 25-602 Contact Point: Public Procurement Faculty Phone: +48 413470480 Fax: +48 413470470 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 15/11/2021 01/01/1900 1,620,618.00 PLN
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Contract Value
1,620,618.00 PLN
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