Contract Details

modernization of Urban Street Lighting for Energy-saving in the City of Sandomierz. Etap I and Ii (...) Poland

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Contract Award's Details : modernization of Urban Street Lighting for Energy-saving in the City of Sandomierz. Etap I and Ii (...) SANDOMIERZ COMMUNE Delivery of Intraocular Lenses and Other Ophthalmic Accessories for the Needs and Clinics of Speck-2 Ophthalmology. Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of intraocular lenses and other ophthalmic accessories for the needs and clinic of the speck-2 ophthalmology. Contract. : 1 Reference Number: ZP / 220/85/20 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 157030.00 - PLN Description: 1. The subject of the order is the delivery of intraocular lenses and other ophthalmic accessories whose detailed description and the required quantities contain: Chapter II of the SIWZ and the unit price form, constituting Annex 1 to the offer form. 2. The Ordering Party requires the offered intraocular lenses and other ophthalmic accessories were medical devices within the meaning of the Act of 20 May 2010 on medical devices (OJ 2020.186 ie from 6.2.2020) and were placed on the market and use in the RP According to applicable regulations. 3. The Ordering Party requires that supplied intraocular lenses and other ophthalmic accessories have a shelf life for use not less than 12 months, counting from the date of their delivery to the Ordering Party's seat. 33731110 - IntraCular Lenses 33731000 - Contact lenses Authority Type ... Poland Contract value : 5,850,722.60 PLN Contractors : ENERGY SUPPLY CENTER ELTAST SP. FROM O.O. 27/05/2021 14/06/2021 See in details 77316075 14/06/2021 INDEPENDENT PUBLIC CLINICAL HOSPITAL NO. 2 PUM IN SZCZECIN Address : Address: ul. Wielkopolska insurgents 72 Town: Szczecin Nuts-Code: PL634 - Gdansk Postal Code: 70-111 Contact Point: Wioletta Sybal Phone: +48 914661088 Fax: +48 914661113 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 10/05/2021 See in details 157,030.00 PLN
Justice Regulation Justice Highway Automotive Parts Other Justice Regulation Medical Highway Highway Other Justice Medical
Parts of seats Intraocular lenses Wheels, parts and accessories Contact lenses Forms Shelves Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts Seats Postal orders Dates
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Light and Lighting Products Energy Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Printing and Publishing Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
157,030.00 PLN
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