Contract Details

Competition with No. 13/2021 for the Supply of Equipment for the Needs of Veterinary Services As Well As Providing the Necessary Placement, Installation, Education and Maintenance Work. Cyprus

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Contract Award's Details : Competition with No. 13/2021 for the Supply of Equipment for the Needs of Veterinary Services As Well As Providing the Necessary Placement, Installation, Education and Maintenance Work. VETERINARY SERVICES Competition with No. 13/2021 for the Supply of Equipment for the Needs of Veterinary Services As Well As Providing the Necessary Placement, Installation, Education and Maintenance Work. Document Type: Contract AWARD NOTICE Title: A competition with no. 13/2021 for the supply of equipment for the needs of veterinary services as well as providing the necessary placement, installation, education and maintenance work. CONTRACT NO. : 1 Reference Number: 2021 / s 201-523233 CONTRACT Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 363388.72 - EUR Description: Competition with no. 13/2021 For the supply of various types of equipment for the needs of veterinary laboratories as well as providing the necessary placement, installation, education and maintenance work. 38000000 - Laboratory, Optical and Precision Equipments (Excl. Glasses) Authority Type: MINISTRY OR ANY OTHER NATIONAL OR FEDERAL AUTHORITY Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: European Union, with PARTICIPATION by GPA Countries BID Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Laboratory, Optical and Precision Equipments (Excl. Glasses) Dispatch Date: 2021-10-12 Publish Date: 2021-10-15 Cyprus Contract value : 363,388.72 EUR Contractors : EN-ERGON SCIENTIFIC EES LTD, SAFECELL BIOMEDICAL LTD, C AND V KRITICOS SUPPLIERS LTD, GLOBETECH LABORATORIES LTD, SCIENTRONICS LTD, BIOTRONICS LTD 21/09/2021 05/11/2021 01/01/1900 77788384 05/11/2021 VETERINARY SERVICES Address : ADDRESS: Athalassa Town: Nicosia NUTS-CODE: CY - Cyprus / Kýpros Postal Code: 1417 Phone: +357 22805200 Fax: +357 22332803 Cyprus Cyprus Contract Awards Cyprus 21/09/2021 01/01/1900 363,388.72 EUR
All Other Professional Veterinary Services Professional Regulation Other Professional Machinery Regulation All Other Professional Management Professional
Glass Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software development services Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware Other services Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software package Postal orders Dates
Asia Western Asia
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Printing and Publishing Services Cement and Asbestos Products Education and Training Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry Laboratory Equipment and Services Construction Materials
Contract Value
363,388.72 EUR
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