Contract Details

delivery of Medical Devices for Hemodialysis for the Needs of the Hospital Dr. Tota Venkova ad Gabrovo Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : delivery of Medical Devices for Hemodialysis for the Needs of the Hospital Dr. Tota Venkova ad Gabrovo MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT DR. TOTA VENKOVA AD Delivery of Equipment Needed to Create/modernize the Research Infrastructure of Laboratory 5, Part of the Center for Competence Hitbial - 2 Lots Each Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of equipment needed to create/modernize the research infrastructure of Laboratory 5, part of the Center for Competence Hitbial - 2 lots of positions Contract No. : 60019 Reference Number: OP-2022-4 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 2378500.00 - Bgn Description: Delivery of equipment needed to create/modernize the research infrastructure of Laboratory 5, part of the Center for Competence Hittobile - 2 lots as follows: Lot 1: delivery, installation, commissioning, operation for work and warranty support for mobile/movable station for charging vehicles with hydrogen; Lot 2: Delivery and warranty maintenance of an electric vehicle with hydrogen fuel cells. 38000000 - Laboratory, Optical and Precision Equipments (Excl. Glasses) 34144900 - Electric Vehicles Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: EUROPEAN UNION Bid Type: Not Applicable DOC TITLE ... Bulgaria Contract value : 125,100.00 BGN Contractors : SOFARMA TRADING HELL 31/08/2022 29/09/2022 01/01/1900 78666702 29/09/2022 INSTITUTE OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND ENERGY SYSTEMS Address : ADDRESS: Ul. Acad.G.Bonchev, Block 10 Town: sofia NUTS-CODE: BG331 - VARNA Postal Code: 1113 Contact Point: Dimitar Dimitrov Phone: +359 888547450 FAX: +359 28722544 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 19/09/2022 01/01/1900 2,378,500.00 BGN
Justice Regulation Regulation and Administration of Communications Justice Other Justice Machinery Regulation Medical Regulation and Administration of Communications Other Justice Medical
Glass Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) System, storage and content management software package Hydrogen Fuel cells Research, testing and scientific technical simulator Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen Blocks Supports System, storage and content management software development services Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware Parts of other vehicles Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe
Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Laboratory Equipment and Services Aviation Building Material Marine
Contract Value
2,378,500.00 BGN
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