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Electrical 2 Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Electrical 2 Dirección General De Renfe Fabricación Y Mantenimiento Sociedad Mercantil Estatal, S.A. Antonio Cabezón S/N Fuencarral (28034) Madrid España Es300 Teléfono 913009751 Fax 913009687 Correo Electrónico Marranz@Renfe.Es Sitio The Object Is The Contracting Of A New Telephony Service With A Technology That Integrates Voice And Data Communications, Using The Internet Connection, Called Voice Over Ip, With Which The Necessary Contract Awarded for The object is the contracting of a new telephony service with a technology that integrates voice and data communications, Using the internet connection, Called voice over ip, With which the necessary flexibility for the future mobility of the company is guaranteed, And to reduce considerably the administration costs of the current telephony. As for the investment in the purchase of telephones, Since 2 gxp1630 telephones are already available, It would only be necessary to acquire a cordless telephone to be able to use it in another office and / or in the computer room. At the same time, It is intended to hire a new internet service with fiber speed, For the computer room, Which supplies computers in an efficient manner and which facilitates the smooth development of the courses. The contract defined has the qualification of administrative contract of services in accordance with the provisions of article 17 of law 9/2017, Of november 8, On contracts of the public sector, By which transposed to the spanish legal system laso directives of the parliament european union and the council 2014/23 / ue and 2014/24 / ue, Of february 26, 201 Tender base budget Amount: 678.00 Euros Amount (excluding taxes): 678.00 Euros Amount of Award Total amount offered (without taxes): 421,25 EUR. Total amount offered (with taxes): 509,7 EUR. Offers received: 3 Motivation: date of agreement Date of Agreement: 26/03/2019 Execution time: Of 04/01/2019 Place of performance: National sub-entity Spain Contract value : See in details Contractors : VER DETALLE DE LA ADJUDICACIÓN See in details 09/03/2019 08/06/2019 13233389 07/05/2019 Presidencia Del Consorcio Para La Recuperación Económica Y De La Actividad De La Marina Alta (Creama) nCarretera Dénia Ondara 2ª Rotonada S/N n(03780) nDénia nEspaña Teléfono +34 966426012 nCorreo Electrónico S.Generals@Creama.Org Address : Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain Creama 36/2019 See in details 08/06/2019 See in details
Fiber Marinas Fiber Justice Fiber Justice Other Justice Other Justice
Cordless telephones System, storage and content management software package Computer supplies Parts of computers Office, school and office equipment cleaning services System, storage and content management software development services Other services Electrical, electromagnetic and mechanical treatment Administration, defence and social security services Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment Dates
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Services Defence and Security Electricity Technology Hardware and Equipment Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Marine
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