Contract Details

Recruitment Carnival Artistic Services 2022 Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Recruitment Carnival Artistic Services 2022 AYUNTAMIENTO DEL PALAU D'ANGLESOLA Contract for the Execution of the Works for the Construction of the New Tourist Office / Center for the Tourist and Cultural Promotion of Miami Platja Contract for the execution of the works for the construction of the new Tourist Office / Center for tourism and cultural promotion of Miami Platja <B> Description of the benefit: It is the object of this contract is the execution of the works for the construction of the new tourist office / Center for tourist and cultural promotion of Miami Platja <B> LOT DESCRIPTION: Previous work for preparation of the land and urbanization of the outer zone. loud Construction of the Geodesic Domo where the service of the Tourist Office and its internal conditioning will be provided. The accommodation and restaurants. loud Installation of the external lighting of the geodesic domo. loud loud <B> Estimated value of the contract: € 162,849.71 No VAT <B> Data from the winning company: Denomination: SERCODELTA Company Constructora, S.l. Nationality: Spain Amount: € 84,843.48 with VAT Amount without VAT: 70,118.58 € Lot number: 2 Buy innovation: No Lot Description: Construction of the Geodesic Domo Where will the service of the Tourist Office and their internal conditioning. The accommodation and restaurants. Date of adjudication of the contract: 12/01/22 Term for the ... Spain Contract value : 4,000.00 EUR Contractors : HOPEMUSIC SL 11/02/2022 16/02/2022 12/02/2022 78029744 28/01/2022 TOWN HALL OF MONT-ROIG DEL CAMP Address : Spain Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 12/01/2022 12/02/2022 162,849.71 EUR
Construction Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Agriculture Construction
Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Wells construction work Office, school and office equipment cleaning services Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Construction work Accommodation, building and window cleaning services Vats Other services Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Dates
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Light and Lighting Products Printing and Publishing Services Travel and Tourism Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
162,849.71 EUR
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