Contract Details

Measuring Instruments France

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Contract Award's Details : Measuring Instruments Saelsi place Beauvau, immeuble Garance Paris Cedex 08 75008 France Telephone: +33 186216003 E-mail: NUTS code: FR Measuring Instruments Contract award notice: Measuring instruments : Provision of laser gauges to measure on the axis and related equipment and accomplishment of associated services for the national police forces and gendarmerie. Date of contract award: : 03/10/2017 v.2.2) information about offers number of tenders received: 2 the contract was awarded to a group of economic operators: No v.2.3) name and address of the holder mercura 4 rue louis pasteur - cs 82926 - add to my selection la chaussée-saint-victor blois cedex 41029 la france nuts code: Fr internet address: Http:// the holder is an sme: Yes v.2.4) information on value of contract / lot (excl. Vat) initial estimated total value of the contract / lot: 2 375 000.00 eur total value of the contract: Eur 2 536 086.00 v.2.5) information about subcontracting section vi: Supplementary information vi.3) additional information: The notice of public invitation to tender was sent for circulation on 17.2.2017 and published: - on 19.2.2017 at the boamp: Opinion no 17-24255, - on 22.2.2017 in the ojeu: Opinion no 2017 / s 037-066564. The contractual documents can be accessed by contacting the saelsi, Subject to non-disclosable information, In particular those protected by industrial and commercial secrecy. Vi.4) procedures for appeal vi.4.1) body responsible for appeal procedures administrative court of paris 7 rue de jouy paris cedex 04 75181 la france phone: +33 144594646 email: internet address: Http:// vi.4.2) body responsible for procedure vi.4.3) lodging of appeals details of time limits for bringing an action: Details of time limits for bringing an action: A person having an interest in concluding the contract and liable to be harmed by breaches of the publicity and competitive tendering obligations to which this contract is subject may file a pre-contractual interim contract before the conclusion of the contract (article l. 551- 1 of the code of administrative justice). The same person can form a contractual reference when the contract is concluded within the time limits provided for in article r. 551-7 of the code of administrative justice. The third party to the contract may appeal against the validity of the contract within 2 months of the completion of the appropriate publicity formalities (conseil d~état, Assembly, 4.4.2014, Department of tarn-et- garonne). Vi.4.4) service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained administrative court of paris 7 rue de jouy paris cedex 04 75181 la france phone: +33 144594646 email: vi.5) date of dispatch of this notice: 04/10/2017 summary france-paris: Measuring instruments 2017 / s 192-393307 contract award notice results of the procurement procedure supplies directive 2014/24 / eu section i: Contracting i.1) name and ad Total value of the contract/lot: 2 536 086.00 EUR France Contract value : 2,536,086.00 EUR Contractors : MERCURA See in details 09/10/2017 06/01/2018 9524248 09/10/2017 Saelsi place Beauvau, immeuble Garance Paris Cedex 08 75008 France Telephone: +33 186216003 E-mail: NUTS code: FR Address : France France Contract Awards France 393307-2017 See in details 06/01/2018 2,536,086.00 EUR
Navigational Justice Bolt Justice Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential Turned Product and Screw Other Justice Machinery Commercial Measuring Courts Navigational Courts Other Justice Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw
Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts Lasers Nuts Sections Axes Measuring instruments Forms Vats Other services Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts Dental cryosurgical, gauges, elevators and excavators Dates
Europe Western Europe
Building Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Industry Building Material Marine
Contract Value
2,536,086.00 EUR
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