Contract Details

Supply of Low Voltage Electricity from a Supplier of Last Resort for Adm. Office Buildings Vidin, Vratsa, Montana and Pleven at the Td of the National Revenue Agency - Veliko Tarnovo Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Supply of Low Voltage Electricity from a Supplier of Last Resort for Adm. Office Buildings Vidin, Vratsa, Montana and Pleven at the Td of the National Revenue Agency - Veliko Tarnovo TERRITORIAL DIRECTORATE OF THE NATIONAL REVENUE AGENCY - VELIKO TARNOVO Carrying out Periodic Deliveries of Automotive Fuel and Fuel and Lubricants for the Needs of the Technical University - Sofia and Its Divisions Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Periodic deliveries of automotive fuel and fuel and lubricants for the needs of Technical University - Sofia and its branches Contract No. : 996 Reference Number: 2020 / S 204-496044 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 207767.49 - BGN Description: The subject of the public procurement is the performance of periodical deliveries of automotive fuel and fuel and lubricants for the needs of the Technical University - Sofia and its divisions by separate items: - Lot ? 1 Periodic deliveries of automotive fuel for the needs of the Technical University - Sofia and its divisions, and - separate item ? 2 Performing periodic deliveries of fuel and lubricants for the needs of the Technical University - Sofia and its divisions. The public procurement has a maximum estimated value of BGN 268,029.75 without VAT, distributed as follows: - for lot ? 1: up to BGN 253,760.01 without VAT, - for a separate item ? 2: up to BGN 14,269.74 without VAT. 09100000 - Fuels 09132000 - Petrol 09134200 - Diesel fuel 09211000 - Lu ... Bulgaria Contract value : 300,000.00 BGN Contractors : CEZ ELECTRO BULGARIA AD 13/10/2020 23/11/2020 See in details 76899900 23/11/2020 TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOFIA Address : Address: Bul. St. Cl. Ohridski 8 Town: Sofia NUTS-Code: BG411 - Sofia (capital) Postal Code: 1000 Contact Point: Donka Simeonova - Legal Adviser, Head of the OP Department Phone: +359 9653906 Fax: +359 8683215 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 29/09/2020 See in details 207,767.49 BGN
Justice Justice Automotive Parts Other Justice Book Newspaper Colleges Colleges Colleges Book Other Justice Agencies
Petrol Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Diesel fuel Lubricants Office, school and office equipment cleaning services Fuels Periodicals Diesel fuel (0,2) Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Vats Electricity Postal orders Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps
Eastern Europe Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Petroleum Products Building Material
Contract Value
207,767.49 BGN
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