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Design and Execution Services Works for the Real Estate Investment Objective making Concrete Roads and Platforms Covered for Military Technique in the Barracks 2783 Mihai Bravu Cod. Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Design and Execution Services Works for the Real Estate Investment Objective making Concrete Roads and Platforms Covered for Military Technique in the Barracks 2783 Mihai Bravu Cod. MINISTRY OF DEFENSE - MILITARY UNIT 02547 BUCHAREST Design and Execution Services Works for the Real Estate Investment Objective making Concrete Roads and Platforms Covered for Military Technique in the Barracks 2783 Mihai Bravu Cod. Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Design and execution services Works for the real estate investment objective Making concrete roads and platforms covered for military technique in the barracks 2783 Mihai Bravu Project Code: 2021 - I - 2783 Contract No.: A14081/ 20.09.2023 Reference Number: 4192804_2023_Paapd1408289 Type Contract: Works Estimated Value: 22269923.94 - Ron Descript: Design and execution works for the real estate investment objective 2021-I-2783: Making concrete roads and platforms covered for military technique in the barracks 2783 Mihai Bravu: I. Design Service: A. COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT FOR THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE EXECUTION OF THE BUILDING WORKS (P.A.C.); br B. Elaboration of studies and documentation necessary to obtain the approvals requested by the urbanism certificate; br C. drawing on the project to organize the execution of the works (P.O.E.); br D. drawing on technical execution project including execution details; br e. The granting of technical assistance from the designer on the site; br F. Elaboration of physical and value graphic type; br G. Drawing up and supporting documentation ... Romania Contract value : 22,269,923.94 RON Contractors : UBITECH CONSTRUCTII SRL, COPRAAG ENTREPRENEUR 03/10/2023 16/10/2023 01/01/1900 79970913 16/10/2023 MINISTRY OF DEFENSE - MILITARY UNIT 02547 BUCHAREST Address : Address: Street: Godeanu Constantin, Slt., Nr. 121-129 Town: Bucharest Nuts -code: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 013045 Contact Point: Cristina Macrina erban Phone: +40 0216672098 Fax: +40 216672098 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 03/10/2023 01/01/1900 22,269,923.94 RON
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Contract Value
22,269,923.94 RON
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