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Contract Details
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2393-21 Bridlington Bay Lobster brand strategy and brand identity development United Kingdom |
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Language | English | |||
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Published Date | 11.03.2024 | |||
Awarded Date | 22.08.2021 | |||
Overview | Contract Award's Details : 2393-21 Bridlington Bay Lobster brand strategy and brand identity development East Riding of Yorkshire QU493 - Smart city maturity assessment and Roadmap development - AWARD The Council recognises the importance of digital technologies in developing its economic recovery plans and enabling digital transformation of council services. It believes that it could have a multifaceted role in influencing and shaping City developments, projects and programmes that will enable the City to be established as a leading digital city on the global stage. Therefore it is developing a Digital City workstream as part of its Digital Birmingham brand as an opportunity to address city-wide challenges, and also to create the future proof infrastructure and necessary conditions and ecosystems to enable the City to achieve its strategic outcomes. It aims to collaborate and consult with city partners and stakeholders to establish an evidence-based understanding of its current digital and smart city levels of maturity benchmarked against the world& 039;s leading cities and then use this as a basis for developing a robust Roadmap of deliverable and prioritised projects and programmes that would enable it to achieve the following outcomes; (i) Birmingham is a recognised leading digital city under the Digital Birmingham brand (ii) Birmingham is a preferred place of choice for digital innovation, (iii) Increased levels of digital investment are attracted to the city, (iv) Council services are utilising new technologies and innovative solutions, The successful supplier(s) will be expected to use their knowledge and expertise to deliver the following outputs; (i) Output 1 - Stakeholder Engagement (ii) Output 2 - Smart city maturity assessment benchmarked against the leading digital cities across the world (iii) Output 3 - A phased Roadmap setting out the projects and programmes deliverable over the short term and an outline of long term projects and programmes required over the long term (iv) Output 4 - A recommended digital city governance structure aligned to existing City Governance (v) Ways of Working and delivery of Outputs It is intended that the contract will be for a period of 3 months commencing no later than 21/07/2021 until 21/10/2021. The contract is a fixed term contract with defined outcomes to deliver. The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity please click on the following link to access and submit your details to register. You will then be sent details on how to log on which will enable you to download all relevant quotation documentation. If you are unable to register with In-tend or have any questions or problems on how to use this web site please either email us at: or call CPS Helpdesk on 0121 464 8000. Your completed quotation submission should be returned by noon on ... United Kingdom Contract value : 14,225.00 GBP Contractors : Forgaard Agency 18/08/2021 23/08/2021 30/11/2021 77569952 30/08/2021 Birmingham City Council Address : 10 Woodcock Street Birmingham B4 7WB, West Midlands David Waddington 0121 464 8000 United Kingdom United Kingdom Contract Awards United Kingdom ocds-b5fd17-fa0ea13b-a9a1-4cb2-85fd-9146a4973324-464439-qu493---award 29/07/2021 30/11/2021 82,940.00 GBP | |||
NAICS | ||||
Parts of structures
Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper
System, storage and content management software package
Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
Structures and parts
System, storage and content management software development services
Other services
Administration, defence and social security services
Regions | ||||
Sectors |
Environment and Pollution-Recycling
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Non-Renewable Energy
Roads and Highways-Bridge
Printing and Publishing
Defence and Security
Technology Hardware and Equipment
Energy-Power and Electrical
Computer Hardwares and Consumables
Building Material
Contractor | ||||
Contract Value |
82,940.00 GBP
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Title |
2393-21 Bridlington Bay Lobster brand strategy and brand identity development United Kingdom |
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Language |
English |
Organization |
Published Date |
11.03.2024 |
Awarded Date |
22.08.2021 |
Overview |
Contract Award's Details : 2393-21 Bridlington Bay Lobster brand strategy and brand identity development East Riding of Yorkshire QU493 - Smart city maturity assessment and Roadmap development - AWARD The Council recognises the importance of digital technologies in developing its economic recovery plans and enabling digital transformation of council services. It believes that it could have a multifaceted role in influencing and shaping City developments, projects and programmes that will enable the City to be established as a leading digital city on the global stage. Therefore it is developing a Digital City workstream as part of its Digital Birmingham brand as an opportunity to address city-wide challenges, and also to create the future proof infrastructure and necessary conditions and ecosystems to enable the City to achieve its strategic outcomes. It aims to collaborate and consult with city partners and stakeholders to establish an evidence-based understanding of its current digital and smart city levels of maturity benchmarked against the world& 039;s leading cities and then use this as a basis for developing a robust Roadmap of deliverable and prioritised projects and programmes that would enable it to achieve the following outcomes; (i) Birmingham is a recognised leading digital city under the Digital Birmingham brand (ii) Birmingham is a preferred place of choice for digital innovation, (iii) Increased levels of digital investment are attracted to the city, (iv) Council services are utilising new technologies and innovative solutions, The successful supplier(s) will be expected to use their knowledge and expertise to deliver the following outputs; (i) Output 1 - Stakeholder Engagement (ii) Output 2 - Smart city maturity assessment benchmarked against the leading digital cities across the world (iii) Output 3 - A phased Roadmap setting out the projects and programmes deliverable over the short term and an outline of long term projects and programmes required over the long term (iv) Output 4 - A recommended digital city governance structure aligned to existing City Governance (v) Ways of Working and delivery of Outputs It is intended that the contract will be for a period of 3 months commencing no later than 21/07/2021 until 21/10/2021. The contract is a fixed term contract with defined outcomes to deliver. The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity please click on the following link to access and submit your details to register. You will then be sent details on how to log on which will enable you to download all relevant quotation documentation. If you are unable to register with In-tend or have any questions or problems on how to use this web site please either email us at: or call CPS Helpdesk on 0121 464 8000. Your completed quotation submission should be returned by noon on ... United Kingdom Contract value : 14,225.00 GBP Contractors : Forgaard Agency 18/08/2021 23/08/2021 30/11/2021 77569952 30/08/2021 Birmingham City Council Address : 10 Woodcock Street Birmingham B4 7WB, West Midlands David Waddington 0121 464 8000 United Kingdom United Kingdom Contract Awards United Kingdom ocds-b5fd17-fa0ea13b-a9a1-4cb2-85fd-9146a4973324-464439-qu493---award 29/07/2021 30/11/2021 82,940.00 GBP |
Other Foundation Copper Other Foundation Highway Highway Highway Foundation Agencies Copper Process Logging |
Parts of structures Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper System, storage and content management software package Lead Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Structures and parts System, storage and content management software development services Logs Other services Shapes Administration, defence and social security services |
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Regions |
Europe Northern Europe |
Sectors |
Building Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Technology Hardware and Equipment Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Building Material Marine |
Contractor |
Contract Value |
82,940.00 GBP
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