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School Transport Services and Surveillance and Assistance on the Ground and on Board the Cig Schoolbus: 9858666c8a - to Which: 00102420577202300002 Italy

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Contract Award's Details : School Transport Services and Surveillance and Assistance on the Ground and on Board the Cig Schoolbus: 9858666c8a - to Which: 00102420577202300002 MUNICIPALITY OF FARA IN SABINA Open Procedure for the Conclusion of a Framework Agreement for the Supply of Disposable Material, Consumable for Cellular Crops Individual Protective Equipment and Electrical Material Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: open procedure for the conclusion of a framework agreement for the supply of disposable material, consumable for cellular crops individual protective devices and electrical material Reference Number: 2023/S 186-582979 Contract type: Supplies Estimated Value: 901250.00 - EUR Description: The procedure is aimed at the conclusion of a framework agreement with multiple economic operators, for each lot, pursuant to art. 54, paragraph 4, lett. a) of Legislative Decree April 18, 2016 n. 50 S.M.I., concerning the supply of disposable material, consumable for cell crops, individual protective equipment and electrical material for the needs of the laboratories of the university departments, in implementation of the resolution of the Board of Directors of 13 December 2022. 33192500 - TUBES test Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law Type of Procedure: Open Procedures Regulation: European Union, with participation by GPA Countries Bid Type: Not Applicable DOC Title: Test Tubes Dispatch Date: 2023-09-22 Publish Date: 2023-09-27 Italy Contract value : 1,652,642.55 EUR Contractors : TOURISM FRIARCANGELI COCONUT COCONUT COCONUT VINCENZINE & C. S.A.S. 30/08/2023 28/09/2023 01/01/1900 79943553 29/09/2023 UNIVERSITY OF BRESCIA Address : Address : piazza del Mercato 15 Town : Brescia NUTS-Code : ITC47 - Brescia Postal Code : 25121 Contact Point : Gilberto Fattore Phone : +39 0302989222 Italy Italy Contract Awards Italy 02/08/2023 01/01/1900 901,250.00 EUR
Arts Justice Regulation Justice Other Justice Machinery Regulation Executive Colleges Colleges Colleges Executive Other Justice
Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) Microscope eyepieces, condensers, collectors, tubes, stages and covers Coconuts Boards Crops, products of market gardening and horticulture Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware Other services Electrical, electromagnetic and mechanical treatment Postal orders Dates Works of art
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Transportation Printing and Publishing Services Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Sports and Leisure Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Laboratory Equipment and Services
Contract Value
901,250.00 EUR
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