Contract Details

Buying Building Materials for Repairing Sidewalks, Street Inlets, Rainwater, Support Walls and Staircases Ii Czech Republic

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Contract Award's Details : Buying Building Materials for Repairing Sidewalks, Street Inlets, Rainwater, Support Walls and Staircases Ii TECHNICAL SERVICES ZLÍN, S.R.O. Buying Building Materials for Repairing Sidewalks, Street Inlets, Rainwater, Support Walls and Staircases Ii Document Type: Contract Award Notice TITLE: Purchase of building materials for repairing sidewalks, street inlets, rainwater sewer, support walls and staircases II Number Reference: VZ/2021/DNS/3 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 304143 - CZK Description: The subject of the public contract is the introduction of a dynamic shopping system (DNS) for the supply of building materials for repairing sidewalks, street inlets, rainwater, support walls and staircases. DNS is divided into categories and up to C. The subject of public contracts awarded in each category DNS are supplies of products under CPV codes listed in each category of DNS or under CPV codes that are subordinate to these CPV codes. Concrete products for repairing sidewalks The subjects are building materials for pavement repair, eg: concrete paving, concrete palisade, panels, blocks, adding, vegetation tiles, curb, road curb, Kasselský curb Codes that are subordinate to the above CPV code. Products for repairing street inlets and rainwater sewer The subject of delivery are building materials for repair u ... Czech Republic Contract value : 304,143.00 CZK Contractors : ALITRON-OST S.R.O. 22/01/2024 03/05/2024 30/08/2024 81410011 03/05/2024 TECHNICAL SERVICES ZLÍN, S.R.O. Address : Address: Záhmení v 321 Town: Zlín NUTS-Code: CZ072 - Zlín Region Postal Code: 76302 Contact Point: Ing. Tereza Odstrcilová . Phone: +420 577111454 Czech Republic Czech Republic Contract Awards Czech Republic 22/01/2024 30/08/2024 304,143.00 CZK
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Contract Value
304,143.00 CZK
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