Contract Details

Geological Survey Of Selected Likely Environmental Burdens (2) Slovakia

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Contract Award's Details : Geological Survey Of Selected Likely Environmental Burdens (2) Ministerstvo Životného Prostredia Slovenskej Republiky Vnútroštátne Identifikacné Císlo:42181810 Námestie Ludovíta Štúra 1, 81235 Bratislava - Mestská Cast Staré Mesto Kód Nuts:Sk01 Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Mgr. Erik Weiss Telefón: Geological Survey Of Selected Likely Environmental Burdens (2) Notice of Contract Award: Geological survey of selected likely environmental burdens (2) The subject of the contract is the elaboration of a geological project project and realization of a geological task focused on a detailed geological survey of the environment. The aim of the geological task is to provide a detailed survey of likely environmental burdens at selected 45 priority localities, Which, Based on a preliminary risk assessment, Pose a risk to human health and the environment in individual regions of the slovak republic. The purpose of the geological task is to obtain detailed data on the state of the environmental components and documents for the remediation of those environmental burdens where the risk will be confirmed. Specific objectives of the project are: Verification and confirmation of the presence of selected probable environmental burdens, Detailed examination of selected probable environmental burdens, Risk assessment and analysis of options for remediation of selected environmental burdens. The survey will be carried out in accordance with act no. 569/2007 z. From. On geological works (geological act), As amended, Decree of the ministry of the interior no. 51/2008 z. , which implements the geological act as amended, And pursuant to the directive no. 2/2000 on the principles of processing and transfer of tasks and projects in the geographic information system (gis). Risk analysis of contaminated area will be elaborated in accordance with the decree of the ministry of health no. 51/2008 z.z. And the directive mp. 1 / 2015-7 for risk analysis of contaminated area. initial estimated total value of the contract / part: 1 071 428,41 euros excluding vat there is a presumption of subcontracting under the contract Slovakia Contract value : 1,034,468.00 SKK Contractors : THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC See in details 10/06/2019 10/06/2019 13389411 10/06/2019 Ministerstvo Životného Prostredia Slovenskej Republiky Vnútroštátne Identifikacné Císlo:42181810 Námestie Ludovíta Štúra 1, 81235 Bratislava - Mestská Cast Staré Mesto Kód Nuts:Sk01 Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Mgr. Erik Weiss Telefón: Address : Slovakia Slovakia Contract Awards Slovakia MŽP/NL 01/2018 See in details 10/06/2019 1,034,468.00 SKK
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Contract Value
1,034,468.00 SKK
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