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454 - Asklepios Clinic in the City Triangle of Burglengenfeld - Renovation 2nd Construction Phase (general Care and Endoscopy) - 2010.002 Loose Furniture Germany

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Contract Award's Details : 454 - Asklepios Clinic in the City Triangle of Burglengenfeld - Renovation 2nd Construction Phase (general Care and Endoscopy) - 2010.002 Loose Furniture ASKLEPIOS SÜDPFALZKLINIKEN GMBH Analysis Devices for Narrow -band Laser Sources Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Analysis devices for narrow -band laser sources Reference Number: 1 Contract type: Supplies Estimated value: 116800.00 - EUR Description: Lot 1: Optical laser spectrum analyzer The subject of procurement is a compact optical laser spectrum analyzer for CW and plus laser sources. Lot 2: Laser line width analyzer The subject of the procurement is a line width analyzer for analyzing frequency noise of narrow-band CW laser sources. For the area of application, the device must cover a measuring range of 500NM - 2200NM with an absolute accuracy of at least 200 MHz and a multi -channel switch (8 channels). To monitor the laser frequencies and integration of this into experiment control, the device must have a PC interface. Since several lasers have to be monitored at the same time during the experiment, the measuring device must also have a multi-channel switch (8 channels) to enable this. Authority Type: Body ... Germany Contract value : 69,863.14 EUR Contractors : BSK BÜRO + DESIGNHAUS GMBH 13/12/2023 05/01/2024 01/01/1900 80299270 05/01/2024 UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART Address : 70569 Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg Germany Germany Contract Awards Germany 03/01/2024 01/01/1900 116,800.00 EUR
Navigational Electric Power Transmission Furniture Construction Colleges Colleges Measuring Agriculture Navigational Colleges Construction
Lasers Switches Control, safety, signalling and light equipment Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways Furniture Wells construction work Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis Parts of furniture Control, safety or signalling equipment for parking facilities Construction work Command, control, communication systems Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations Command, control, communication and computer systems Monitors Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves Triangles Endoscopy, endosurgery devices Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports
Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Furniture Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Aviation Marine
Contract Value
116,800.00 EUR
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