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Desktop Computers And Monitors Czech Republic

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Contract Award's Details : Desktop Computers And Monitors Mendelova univerzita v Brne 62156489 Zemedelská 1/1665 Brno 61300 Czech Republic Contact person: Ing. Miroslav Haman Telephone: +420 545135252 E-mail: NUTS code: CZ064 Revitalization Of The St. Bartholomew In Cologne Contract award notice:evitalization of the st. Bartholomew in cologne : The subject of the public contract is the reconstruction of the existing buildings in the premises of the church of st. Bartholomew, Ie bell tower, Old school, Ossuary, Part of the fortification wall, Parcany, Parcade walls and the adjoining parterre in the scope and in accordance with the terms and conditions. Number of tenders received: 3 total final value of contract(s): (s) (excluding vat) estimated total value of the contract / leasing: 71 340 000.00 czk final price of the contract / item: 48 644 272.72 czk v.2.5) information about subcontracting it is likely that the contract will be subcontracted specify the value or proportion of the contract that is likely to be subcontracted by third parties proportion: 39% section vi: Additional information vi.3) additional information: Vi.4) review procedures vi.4.1) body responsible for appeal procedures office for protection of competition cl. Kpt. Jaroše 7 brno 604 55 czech republic tel .: +420 542167111 e-mail: fax: +420 542167112 internet address: Http:// vi.4.2) body responsible for mediation procedures vi.4.3) review procedure precise information on time limits for review procedures: The condition for submitting a petition to the office is to lodge objections with the contracting authority, Which must be delivered within 15 days of the date on which the complainant learned of the alleged violation of the law by the contracting authority, But no later than the conclusion of the contract or until the design contest is considered after the selection finished. Objections to acts communicated in documents that the contracting authority is obliged to publish or send to the complainant under the law must be delivered to the advertiser within 15 days of their publication or delivery to the complainant. Where a time limit for the submission of requests to participate is set in the procurement procedure, Objections against the conditions relating to the supplier~s qualifications must be delivered to the contracting entity at the latest by the end of that period. If the tendering procedure is set in the tender procedure, The objection to the tender dossier must be delivered to the contracting authority by the end of this period at the latest, In the case of the negotiated procedure with publication, The objections to the tender dossier must be delivered to the contracting authority no later than the deadline for the submission of the preliminary tenders. Objections to a voluntary notice of intent to enter into a contract under section 212 (2) of the act must be delivered to the contracting authority within 30 days of the publication of this notice. The contracting authority is required to settle the objections within 15 days. The application must be delivered to the office as well as to the con Total value of the contract/lot: 48 644 272.72 CZK Czech Republic Contract value : See in details Contractors : TOPSOFT JMK SPOL. S R.O. See in details 17/12/2017 15/03/2018 10415141 17/12/2017 Mesto Kolín 00235440 Karlovo nám. 78 Kolín 28012 Czech Republic Contact person: Ing. Eva Rudolfová Telephone: +420 731653095 E-mail: NUTS code: CZ020 Address : Czech Republic Czech Republic Contract Awards Czech Republic 499681-2017 See in details 15/03/2018 See in details
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Sections Bells Publications Towers, lattice masts, derricks and pylons Parts of computers Office, school and office equipment cleaning services Towers Vats Monitors Colognes Designs Dates
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Coal and Lignite Computer Hardwares and Consumables Building Material
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