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Contract Details
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Department Of Planning And Environment Business Architecture Australia |
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Language | English | |||
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Published Date | 06.02.2024 | |||
Awarded Date | 02.04.2019 | |||
Overview | Contract Award's Details : Department Of Planning And Environment Business Architecture Department Of Planning - Corporate, nAttn: Charity Dizon nEmail Address: Charity.Dizon@Planning.Nsw.Gov.Au Rp210 Herbert Catchment Regional Solutions Contract awarded for The Reef Water Quality (RWQ) Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) Strategy 2014-2019, confirmed the themes and priorities to guide investment until June 2019 and beyond. The ‘Local and Regional Solutions’ theme was implemented to increase focus and investment in innovative behaviour-change projects that are capable of influencing farm management decisions to increase uptake of improved practice in high priority catchments. The Herbert catchment contributes the largest anthropogenic loads of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and fine sediment in the Wet Tropics region. Most dissolved inorganic nitrogen comes from sugarcane. Under the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) 2017-2022 the Herbert catchment is identified as Very High risk for DIN with a loads reduction target set at 70% or 620 tonnes. ThisRFQ is seeking skilled agronomy practitioners in the Herbert region to work directly with farmers, for up to a two year period, to deliver high quality nutrient management planning services. The proposed project will be complementary to and align with the Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce recommendations relating to increasing the focus on effective extension, communication and information to build an understanding of, and implement effective nutrient management, thereby reducing water quality pressures on the Reef and supporting management practice and social change. Objectives: To build on the success of these projects and refine the methodologies used to suit local factors, DES is looking to support more projects which focus on direct farmer engagement and foster commitment to long term improved practice change. This may occur through supporting: • The expansion or continuation of projects that have demonstrated that they are leading the uptake of best management practices. • New projects that will harness, and refine the approach, extend knowledge on the ground and instill on-farm practice change. Proposals are now sought to work with up to 100 growers over the life of the project in the cane growing district of the Herbert Region in the Wet Tropics for up to two years, providing whole of farm nutrient management planning, including on-ground work in benchmarking, calibration, agronomic advice and 6ES training. The project will engage 50 new growers in year one (e.g. those that have not been involved in other similar projects) and develop property specific nutrient management plans consistent with local 6ES recommendations for each grower. In the second year the opportunity to refine nutrient management further can be offered to another 50 growers, which may be fully or partially comprised of those original 50 growers. Should not all the original 50 growers wish to take part in the second year, the balance can comprise other growers that have been involved in other similar projects (e.g. Reef Trust 3) Australia Contract value : 161,260.00 AUD Contractors : FROMHEREON PTY LTD See in details 03/04/2019 03/07/2019 13095178 04/04/2019 Department of Environment and Science Level 32, 400 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000 Address : Australia Australia Contract Awards Australia DES18280 See in details 03/07/2019 798,000.00 AUD | |||
NAICS | ||||
Farming, hunting and fishing products
Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper
Training, workout or aerobic services
Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products
Research, testing and scientific technical simulator
Other services
Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
Regions | ||||
Sectors |
Environment and Pollution-Recycling
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Non-Renewable Energy
Solar Photovoltaic PV Energy
Bridges and Tunnels
Postal and Courier Services
Roads and Highways-Bridge
Water and Sanitation
Law and Legal
Printing and Publishing
Education and Training
Defence and Security
Energy-Power and Electrical
Computer Hardwares and Consumables
Building Material
Contractor | ||||
Contract Value |
798,000.00 AUD
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Title |
Department Of Planning And Environment Business Architecture Australia |
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Language |
English |
Organization |
Published Date |
06.02.2024 |
Awarded Date |
02.04.2019 |
Overview |
Contract Award's Details : Department Of Planning And Environment Business Architecture Department Of Planning - Corporate, nAttn: Charity Dizon nEmail Address: Charity.Dizon@Planning.Nsw.Gov.Au Rp210 Herbert Catchment Regional Solutions Contract awarded for The Reef Water Quality (RWQ) Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) Strategy 2014-2019, confirmed the themes and priorities to guide investment until June 2019 and beyond. The ‘Local and Regional Solutions’ theme was implemented to increase focus and investment in innovative behaviour-change projects that are capable of influencing farm management decisions to increase uptake of improved practice in high priority catchments. The Herbert catchment contributes the largest anthropogenic loads of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and fine sediment in the Wet Tropics region. Most dissolved inorganic nitrogen comes from sugarcane. Under the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) 2017-2022 the Herbert catchment is identified as Very High risk for DIN with a loads reduction target set at 70% or 620 tonnes. ThisRFQ is seeking skilled agronomy practitioners in the Herbert region to work directly with farmers, for up to a two year period, to deliver high quality nutrient management planning services. The proposed project will be complementary to and align with the Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce recommendations relating to increasing the focus on effective extension, communication and information to build an understanding of, and implement effective nutrient management, thereby reducing water quality pressures on the Reef and supporting management practice and social change. Objectives: To build on the success of these projects and refine the methodologies used to suit local factors, DES is looking to support more projects which focus on direct farmer engagement and foster commitment to long term improved practice change. This may occur through supporting: • The expansion or continuation of projects that have demonstrated that they are leading the uptake of best management practices. • New projects that will harness, and refine the approach, extend knowledge on the ground and instill on-farm practice change. Proposals are now sought to work with up to 100 growers over the life of the project in the cane growing district of the Herbert Region in the Wet Tropics for up to two years, providing whole of farm nutrient management planning, including on-ground work in benchmarking, calibration, agronomic advice and 6ES training. The project will engage 50 new growers in year one (e.g. those that have not been involved in other similar projects) and develop property specific nutrient management plans consistent with local 6ES recommendations for each grower. In the second year the opportunity to refine nutrient management further can be offered to another 50 growers, which may be fully or partially comprised of those original 50 growers. Should not all the original 50 growers wish to take part in the second year, the balance can comprise other growers that have been involved in other similar projects (e.g. Reef Trust 3) Australia Contract value : 161,260.00 AUD Contractors : FROMHEREON PTY LTD See in details 03/04/2019 03/07/2019 13095178 04/04/2019 Department of Environment and Science Level 32, 400 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000 Address : Australia Australia Contract Awards Australia DES18280 See in details 03/07/2019 798,000.00 AUD |
Business Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Copper Highway Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Trust Highway Corporate Trusts Highway Environment General Freight Trucking Management Trusts Copper Water Funds |
Farming, hunting and fishing products Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper Lead Training, workout or aerobic services Suits Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products Research, testing and scientific technical simulator Balances Supports Other services Nitrogen Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment |
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Regions |
APEC Countries Australia Oceania |
Sectors |
Building Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Solar Photovoltaic PV Energy Architecture Bridges and Tunnels Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Water and Sanitation Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Education and Training Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Industry Building Material Marine |
Contractor |
Contract Value |
798,000.00 AUD
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