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Tandem axle truck with gravel dump box Canada

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Contract Award's Details : Tandem axle truck with gravel dump box Shaun Ritchie \\r\\n204 945-6347 \\r\\nProcurement Services Branch \\r\\nManitoba Transportation And \\r\\nGovernment Services \\r\\n2Nd Flr - 270 Osborne St. N. \\r\\nWinnipeg, Mb, Canada. R3c 1V7 \\r\\n(Or)Fax Quote To(204)945-1455 Media Manitoring Services Contract Awarded for Media Manitoring Services\\r\\n\\r\\nSealed proposals marked "COR2492 - Media Monitoring Services" will be received by the City of Regina, City Hall, Main Floor, Ambassadors Desk or 5th Floor, Purchasing Branch, 2476 Victoria Avenue, P.O. Box 1790, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 3C8, no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, on April 30, 2015. The City of Regina seeks Proposals in response to this Request for Proposals from entities qualified and experienced in media monitoring services. The work generally includes, but is not limited to: Scan local and/or national broadcast and print media and provide a written daily summary. The City shall be able to search, view, store and internally share the results of daily media monitoring. The written daily summary of media coverage for the previous 24 hours should be provided to the City electronically no later than 7 a.m. daily (Monday to Sunday). Provide double spaced transcript pages of broadcast stories on an ‘as required basis; Provide a copy of broadcast stories on an ‘as required basis in a format the City can access, and; Provide immediate crisis media monitoring services in the event of a significant crisis such as a train derailment or natural disaster. Provide immediate crisis media monitoring services with ongoing continuous updates of media coverage during the crisis event as the coverage becomes available, until the crisis is resolved. Provide a synopsis of the tone of media coverage positive, negative, neutral. There will not be a public opening however the list of firm names who submitted a proposal will be posted to the Sasktenders website.\\r\\n\\r\\nAwarded Date: May 27, 2015 Canada Contract value : 127,211.00 CAD Contractors : FREIGHTLINER MANITOBA LTD See in details 12/02/2015 10/05/2015 9741130 31/05/2015 City of Regina, Purchasing Branch\\r\\n2476 Victoria Avenue, 5th Floor, PO Box 1790\\r\\nRegina, SK, Canada\\r\\nS4P 3C8;\\r\\nAttn: Shannon Farrell\\r\\nPhone:306-777-7333\\r\\nEmail: Address : Canada Canada Contract Awards Canada COR2492 See in details 27/08/2015 See in details
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