Contract Details

Elaboration of Projects Under the Program for Investment, Maintenance and Accession of New Clients in Client Energy Center Energy Center Ead - Radnevo Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Elaboration of Projects Under the Program for Investment, Maintenance and Accession of New Clients in Client Energy Center Energy Center Ead - Radnevo ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION SOUTH EAD Exercise of Author Supervision for Sites: implementation. of Energy Measures. an Effect. in Children's Nursery ?4 implementation. of Energy Measures. an Effect. in Children's Nursery ?5 implementation. of Energy Measures. an Effect. in Child... DOCUMENT TYPE: CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE TITLE: Exercise of author's supervision: Implementation. of energy measures. an effect. In children's nursery ?4 Implementation. of energy measures. an effect. In children's nursery ?5 Implementation. of energy measures. an effect. in children's nursery ?9 CONTRACT No. : 22282 REFERENCE NUMBER: 2021 / S 236-622198 CONTRACT TYPE: SERVICES ESTIMATED VALUE: 7370.00 - BGN DESCRIPTION: Subject to award is: Particular position No 1: Authorization of author supervision Implementation of energy efficiency measures in children's nursery ?4 - Ruse, Mutkurova Str. Lot 2: Authorized supervision of an object Implementation of energy efficiency measures in children's nursery ?5 - Ruse, Petar Strelovski Str. Participated heading No 3: Authorized supervision for the site Implementation of energy efficiency measures in children's nursery ?9 - Ruse, Lovech Str. This includes fulfillment of the functions and obligations of the authors of the investment project set out in the territory of the territory and its regulatory regulations during the implementation of the construction of the site. ... Bulgaria Contract value : 11,060.00 BGN Contractors : PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT LTD. 03/11/2021 15/12/2021 01/01/1900 77929878 16/12/2021 MUNICIPALITY OF ROUSSE Address : Address: Square freedom .6 TOWN: RUSE NUTS-CODE: BG323 - Ruse / RUSE Postal Code: 7000 Contact Point: Polina Plamenova Stoyanova Phone: +359 82881710 FAX: +359 82834413 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 25/11/2021 01/01/1900 7,370.00 BGN
Power Navigational Regulation Construction Greenhouse Regulation Measuring Agriculture Nursery Navigational Nursery Management Construction
Electricity distribution Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Wells construction work Squares Construction work Other services Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe
Civil Works Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Energy Postal and Courier Services Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Electricity Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
7,370.00 BGN
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