Contract Details

2021si0228ac - Maintenance and Support Service for the Operation of the Current Platform for Recharging Points Management (ccr) for Barcelona for Municipal Services, S.a. Spain

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Contract Award's Details : 2021si0228ac - Maintenance and Support Service for the Operation of the Current Platform for Recharging Points Management (ccr) for Barcelona for Municipal Services, S.a. BARCELONA OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES SA Service for the Assessment, Delivery, Collection, Maintenance and Logistics of the Promotion Service of Personal Autonomy: Bank of Technical Aids of Lands of the Ebro of the Montsià Regional Council. Service for the assessment, delivery, collection, maintenance and logistics of the Service for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy: Bank of technical aids of the lands of the Ebro of the Comarcal Council of Montsià. <B> Description of the benefit: The object of the contract is the recruitment of a service that makes available to the beneficiaries the material of technical aid and access to these, prescribed in shape Personalized taking into account the situation of dependence of the person and their home environment, where the delivery, collection, maintenance and logistics of the service are carried out by people with special difficulties of labor insertion with disabilities in the field of Mental illness, in the conditions regulated in the agreements taken by the Monitoring Committee established in an inter-administrative agreement between the Montsià Regional Council, County Council of the Baix Ebre, Regional Council of Terra Alta, Regional Council of the Ribera d'Ebre , Tortosa Town Hall and Amposta Town Hall for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy: Bank of Terres de l'Ebre Terres Bank . <B> LOT DESCRIPTION: loud <B> Estimated contract value: ... Spain Contract value : 98,986.40 EUR Contractors : BCN BIT SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT S.L. 23/09/2021 05/10/2021 23/09/2022 78101798 12/02/2022 CONSELL COMARCAL DEL MONTSIÀ Address : Spain Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 23/09/2021 23/09/2022 80,580.40 EUR
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Contract Value
80,580.40 EUR
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