Contract Details

Technical Service and Maintenance in the Working Condition of Fire Extinguishers in the Sites Operated by Eso Ead Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Technical Service and Maintenance in the Working Condition of Fire Extinguishers in the Sites Operated by Eso Ead NETWORK OPERATING DISTRICT - PLOVDIV Delivery of Materials, Supplies and Reagents for Genomic Sequencing by Agreement D01-302/17.12.2021 with Mes for the Needs of Nukbpi on 9 Lots Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of materials, consumables and reagents for genomic sequencing by agreement D01-302/17.12.2021 with the MES for the needs of NUKBPI for 9 lots Contract No. : 82906 Reference Number: 2023/S 055-162085 Contract Type: Supplies ESTIMATED VALUE: 1258724.61 - Bgn Description: order inclusion of reagents, materials and consumables described in Technical Specials /Annex No. 1 /. The order is divided into 9 OPs, with the indicated unexplored items of the items as follows: OP 1 reagents and supplies for isolation and normalization of genomic DNA OP Included 5 items OP No. 2 PCR Purification Reactions OP Included 1 item OP 3 supplies for processing venous blood OP Included 5 items OP ?4 reagents for isolation of genomic DNA from paraffin blocks OP Included 1 item OP No. 5 reagents supplies to isolate nucleic acid from tissue and body fluids OP Included 7 items OP No. 6 reagents and consumables for HRD analysis OP Included 4 items OP No. 7 Laboratory Supplies for Isolating and Genomic Section OP inclusive 17 items OP ?8 consumables for P ... Bulgaria Contract value : 11,316.99 BGN Contractors : BVA & SIE LTD. 06/03/2023 16/03/2023 01/01/1900 79153077 18/03/2023 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Address : Address: bul. Acad. Ivan Evgaratiev Geshov 15, fl. 12 Town: sofia NUTS-CODE: BG411 - Sofia (capital) / Sofia (Stolitsa) Postal Code: 1431 Contact Point: Boryana Apostolova Phone: +359 29152122 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 08/03/2023 01/01/1900 1,258,724.61 BGN
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Contract Value
1,258,724.61 BGN
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