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Drainage Systems Along Asen Yordanov Blvd. From Dimitar Spisarevski Str. To Christopher Columbus Blvd. And Iskarsko Shose Str. From Tushe Deliyanov Str. To Dimitar Peshev Str. (bulgaria-sofia: Drains Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Drainage Systems Along Asen Yordanov Blvd. From Dimitar Spisarevski Str. To Christopher Columbus Blvd. And Iskarsko Shose Str. From Tushe Deliyanov Str. To Dimitar Peshev Str. (bulgaria-sofia: Drains Stolichna Obshtina 000696327 Ul. „Moskovska No. 33 Sofiya 1000 Bulgaria Contact Person: Bozhidar Stefanov Tel: +359 29377311 E-Mail: B.Stefanov@Sofia.Bg Fax: +359 29377311 Consulting Services Under Art. 166 Of The Spatial Plan For The Object Reconstruction Of The 31.5 Kv Zru And Delivery And Installation Of A 50 Mva Reactor In The Dobrudja Station (bulgaria-sofia: Const Contract award notice: Consulting services under art. 166 of the spatial plan for the object reconstruction of the 31.5 kv zru and delivery and installation of a 50 mva reactor in the dobrudja station (bulgaria-sofia: Construction consultancy services) preparation of a comprehensive report on the conformity assessment of work projects and other activities related to the issuance of the building permit. Exercise construction supervision during the construction of the site in volume and scope in accordance with the requirements of the spatial planning act and the relevant by-laws. Preparation of a final report on the readiness of the site for commissioning and other activities related to the granting of a marketing authorization. Initial estimated total value of the contract: /lot 8 000.00 bgntotal value of the contract/lot 7 750.00 bgnv.2.5)information about subcontractingv.2.6)price paid for bargain purchasessection vi complementary information number of tenders received: 3 electricity Bulgaria Contract value : 766,000.00 BGL Contractors : SOFINVEST EOOD See in details 26/08/2019 26/11/2019 12571631 26/08/2019 „Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator Ead 175201304 Bul. „Tsar Boris Iii No. 201 Sofiya 1618 Bulgaria Contact Person: Radoslava Vaseva — Po Protsedurni Vaprosi, Yana Statelova — Po Tehnicheski Vaprosi Tel: +359 29696854 / +359 296 Address : Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 401517-2019 See in details 26/11/2019 See in details
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