Contract Details

Performing Services in the Field of Forest Management in the Zlocieniec Forest District in 2024 Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Performing Services in the Field of Forest Management in the Zlocieniec Forest District in 2024 STATE FOREST FARM STATE FOREST FOREST DISTRICT ZLOCIENIEC Successive Supply of Liquid Fuels for the Needs of Ums in 2024-2026 Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Successive supply of liquid fuels for the needs of UMS in 2024-2026 Contract No. : 2 Reference number: Po-i.2600.6.23 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 3401381.95 - EUR Description: 1. The subject of the order is a successive delivery of 605.580 liters of ON and 92.010 liters of 95 ethiline for a period of 36 months from the date of signing the contract, for the purposes of UMS in the following division into parts: Part I - UMS, excluding OOW Niechorze: 548,580 liters ON, 86,610 liters of ethyl 95; Detailed requirements for the performance of the contract were specified in detail in the description of the subject of the contract, constituting Annex 1 A to SWZ. The list of the ordering party's fleet for parts I is Annex 9A to SWZ. Part II - OOW Niechorze: 57,000 liters on, 5.400 liters of ethyl 95. Detailed requirements for the performance of the contract were specified in detail in the description of the subject of the contract, constituting Annex 1 B to SWZ. The list of the Ordering Party's fleet for Part II is Annex 9b to SWZ. 09100000 - FUELS Authority Type: Other Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: Europe ... Poland Contract value : 18,616,506.07 PLN Contractors : PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO WIELOBRANZOWE DANKUB DANIEL KUBAT, FOREST & WOOD GRZEGORZ KUBAT, ZAKLAD USLUG LESNYCH TADEUSZ KUBAT, FOREST WORK SERVICES KRZYSZTOF SEWERYNOWICZ, ADRIAN KOPROWICZ ZAKLAD USLUG LESNYCH ORKAN 29/12/2023 25/01/2024 01/01/1900 80608895 25/01/2024 DIRECTOR OF THE MARITIME OFFICE IN SZCZECIN Address : Address: Stefan Batory Square 4 Town: Szczecin Nuts-Code: PL42 - West Pomeranian Postal Code: 70-207 Contact Point: Monika Czajkowska Phone: +48 914403423 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 17/01/2024 01/01/1900 3,401,381.95 EUR
Regulation Regulation Management
Farming, hunting and fishing products Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products Office, school and office equipment cleaning services Fuels Squares Other services Postal orders Wood Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps Dates
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Services Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
3,401,381.95 EUR
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