Contract Details

Design and Construct the Merredin High Level Platform Australia

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Contract Award's Details : Design and Construct the Merredin High Level Platform PUBLIC TRANSPORT AUTHORITY Design and Construct the Merredin High Level Platform Design and Construct the Merredin High Level Platform Description : BackgroundThe Public Transport Authority has identified a requirement to improve the disabled access to the Merredin Train Station with the installation of high-level platforms that allows passengers to step on and off the railcars safely. The new Prospector railcars that were introduced in 2004 have the benefit of being designed to provide disability access in accordance with legislation at that time. As a consequence, a program was developed to provide high level platforms at the various stopping locations along the (EGR) Eastern Goldfields Rail line. While a high-level platform has been provided at Merredin on the loop this has proved insufficient as Perth bound and Kalgoorlie bound Prospectors cross at this point every day, and twice on Mondays and Fridays. Merredin station is also the location for a changeover for on-train staffs and accordingly, it is not feasible to amend train schedule. The platform on the main line is a lower-level platform which does not provide for disability access. In the early days it was possible to manage the situation by allowing the train that required the disability access to use the station loop while the other service used the main line. However, as the use of the Prospector by people with disabilities has become more popular, the situation has arisen in recent times where disability access is required for both trains. The other major difference between the old and ne... Australia Contract value : 647,557.00 AUD Contractors : LKS CONSTRUCTIONS (WA)PTY LTD (LKS CONSTRUCTIONS (WA) PTY LTD) 24/05/2022 24/05/2022 01/01/1900 78343344 24/05/2022 PUBLIC TRANSPORT AUTHORITY Address : Australia [Disclaimer : For Exact Organization/Tendering Authority details, please refer the tender notice.] Australia Australia Contract Awards Australia 24/05/2022 01/01/1900 647,557.00 AUD
Justice Commercial Air Justice Construction Other Justice Agriculture Other Justice Construction
Mains Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Wells construction work Construction work Other services Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Designs Rails
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Contract Value
647,557.00 AUD
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