Contract Details

Work Path And Career Path Coaching Services Finland

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Contract Award's Details : Work Path And Career Path Coaching Services Uudenmaan Elinkeino-, Liikenne- Ja Ympäristökeskus n Kansallinen Yritys- Ja Yhteisötunnus: 2296962-1 n Postiosoite: Pl 36 n Postinumero: 00521 Postitoimipaikka: Helsinki n n Maa: S Järvenpään Mestariasunnot Oy: Framework Design For New Construction (main And Architectural Design For New Construction) Contract awarded for Järvenpään mestariasunnot oy: framework design for new construction (main and architectural design for new construction) The acquisition will focus on major and architectural design for new construction in the 2019-2020 contract period, which can be continued. The acquisition includes the main design of the object design main task list ps12 (rt 10-11108) and the architectural design task list ark12 (rt 10-11109) according to the basic tasks. However, tasks are always agreed on a project-by-project basis, and tasks are matched to the scope and complexity of the project. The total value of the contract / part: 1200000 EUR Place of performance: Järvenpää (k186) principal place of business: järvenpää Contract award criteria: Basic weighting: quality criterion (if the best price / quality ratio is used): quality of the offer, written share30 quality (if the best price / quality ratio is used): quality part of the offer, co-operation30price 40 Finland Contract value : 16,000,000.00 EUR Contractors : HYRIA BUSINESS INSTITUTE OY See in details 02/05/2019 30/07/2019 13212179 02/05/2019 Ja¨rvenpa¨a¨n Mestariasunnot Oy n Kansallinen Yritys- Ja Yhteisötunnus: 07263866 n Postiosoite: Mannilantie 43, 2.Krs n Postinumero: 04401 Postitoimipaikka: Ja¨rvenpa¨a¨ n n Maa: S Address : Finland Finland Contract Awards Finland 2019-009154 See in details 30/07/2019 1,200,000.00 EUR
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Contract Value
1,200,000.00 EUR
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