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Planning Services and Implementation New Construction Temporary Canteen Including Culinary Kitchen As a General Acceptance Service up to the Turnkey Handover Including the Complete Attachment and Removal, List ... Germany

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Contract Award's Details : Planning Services and Implementation New Construction Temporary Canteen Including Culinary Kitchen As a General Acceptance Service up to the Turnkey Handover Including the Complete Attachment and Removal, List ... STROMNETZ HAMBURG GMBH Planning Services and Implementation New Construction Temporary Canteen Including Culinary Kitchen As a General Acceptance Service up to the Turnkey Handover Including the Complete Attachment and Removal, List ... Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Planning services and implementation of new construction Temporary canteen including culinary kitchen as a general acceptance service up to the turnkey handover including the complete attachment and removal, list, dismantling on the company premises of Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH Reference Number: 2022001422 Contract type: Supplies Description: Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH (SNH) is a company of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and responsible for the company, the design and development of the electricity distribution network of the growing city of Hamburg. The future requirements for the SNH will change strongly. The associated change will lead to changes at the Bramfeld location. The central goal is the transformation of the commercial system to an attractive, sustainable office location under the latest conditions with a training center and less commercial use. The future requirements for the main location Bramfeld of Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH as part of existing master planning require adjustments to the infrastructure and restructuring of the entire location. The power grid H ... Germany Contract value : See in details Contractors : MUCH LEICHTBAUHALLEN GMBH & CO. KG 11/07/2022 16/01/2023 01/01/1900 78977588 16/01/2023 STROMNETZ HAMBURG GMBH Address : Address : Bramfelder Chaussee 130 Town : Hamburg NUTS-Code : DE600 - Hamburg Postal Code : 22177 Contact Point : Poth, Lisa Germany Germany Contract Awards Germany 11/07/2022 01/01/1900 See in details
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