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Preparation of Cadastral Documentation, Evaluation and Insurance Reports of Legal Assistance and Representation Services in Order to Acquire by Expropriation/transfer of the Buildings Necessary for the Obi Execution ... Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Preparation of Cadastral Documentation, Evaluation and Insurance Reports of Legal Assistance and Representation Services in Order to Acquire by Expropriation/transfer of the Buildings Necessary for the Obi Execution ... THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. Preparation of Cadastral Documentation, Evaluation and Insurance Reports of Legal Assistance and Representation Services in Order to Acquire by Expropriation/transfer of the Buildings Necessary for the Obi Execution ... Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Preparation of cadastral documentation, evaluation and insurance reports of legal and representation services in order to acquire by expropriation/transfer of the buildings necessary , Lot 2, lot 3, lot 4 Reference Number: 16054368/2019/1b/source10/CJ Type contract: Services Estimated Value: 7060905 - Ron Description: the purchase of services for drawing cadastral documentation, evaluation and insurance reports of assistance and representation in order to acquire by expropriation/transfer of a number of 3525 estimated buildings, necessary to design and execute the investment objective Sebes - Turda, KM .0+000 - km.70+000 lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4 , within the territorial administrative units: Alba - Sebes county, Alba Iulia, Ciugud, Santimbru, Galda de Jos, Teius, Aiud, Radesti , Miraslau, Unirea, Cluj - Moldovenesti county, Calarasi, Mihai Viteazu. br Default lot 1. Purchase of services for preparing cadastral documentation, evaluation and insurance reports D ... Romania Contract value : 7,060,905.00 RON Contractors : CIVIL SOCIETY OF LAWYERS TEHA & FUZESI 06/03/2024 08/03/2024 01/01/1900 80770673 08/03/2024 THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. Address : Address: Nr. 38 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 010873 Contact Point: Directorate of public procurement Department of procurement state budget and own income in the attention: Mrs. BARBULESCU IOANA SILVIA - SEF DEPARTMENT Acquisitions State Budget and Own Revenue Phone: +40 212643312 Fax: +40 212643417 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 06/03/2024 01/01/1900 7,060,905.00 RON
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Contract Value
7,060,905.00 RON
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