Contract Details

Provision of Vehicle Towing Services Pursuant to Art. 130a (part 1) and 50a (part 2) of the Act of 20 June 1997 Road Traffic Law in the City of Krakow. Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Provision of Vehicle Towing Services Pursuant to Art. 130a (part 1) and 50a (part 2) of the Act of 20 June 1997 Road Traffic Law in the City of Krakow. ROAD ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF KRAKOW Provision of Services in the Field of Storage, Taking Over, Sharing Documentation in the Form of Paper and Electronic Data Carriers As Well As Ordering and Lack of Documentation in the Form of Papi Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: provision of services in the field of storage, taking over, sharing documentation in the form of paper and electronic data carriers as well as ordering and lack of documentation in the form of PAPI Reference number: P/9/BA/2023 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 2315284.55 - PLN Description: The subject of the contract is cyclical, in accordance with the current needs of the Ordering Party, a service in the field of storage, taking over, sharing documentation in the form of paper and electronic data carriers as well as ordering and lack of documentation in paper form. 79995100 - Archiving Services 72910000 - Computer Back -Up Services 72252000 - Computer Archiving Services Authority Type: Other Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: European Union, with Participation by GPA Countries Bid Type: Not Applicable DOC TITLE: Archiving Services Dispatch Date: 2023-08-08 Publish Date: 2023-08-11 Poland Contract value : 5,389,346.44 PLN Contractors : PIOTR MLODZIANOWSKI AUTO CENTRUM WIDOK 03/08/2023 14/08/2023 01/01/1900 79740801 14/08/2023 POLISH AGENCY FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Address : Address : ul. Pa ska 81/83 Town : Warsaw NUTS-Code : PL - POLSKA Postal Code : 00-834 Contact Point : Anna Czapla Phone : +48 224328638 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 02/08/2023 01/01/1900 2,315,284.55 PLN
Arts Web Search Portals Regulation Pulp Regulation Web Search Portals Photographic Film Electroplating Agencies
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Parts of computers Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Data carriers Paper, printing and bookbinding machinery and parts Forms Library, archives, museums and other cultural services Parts of other vehicles Other services Administration, defence and social security services Postal orders Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies Dates Works of art
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Services Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Paper and Packaging Electronics
Contract Value
2,315,284.55 PLN
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