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Martinská Teplárenská, As - Greening Of Energy Efficiency And Cessation Of Coal Mining () Slovakia

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Contract Award's Details : Martinská Teplárenská, As - Greening Of Energy Efficiency And Cessation Of Coal Mining () Martinská Teplárenská, A.S. 36403016 Robotnícka 17 Martin 036 80 Slovakia Contact Person: Ing. Martin Chachula Tel: +421 415665268 E-Mail: Chachula@Eurodotacie.Sk Martinská Teplárenská, As - Greening Of Energy Efficiency And Cessation Of Coal Mining () Contract award notice: : martinská teplárenská, As - greening of energy efficiency and cessation of coal mining martinská teplárenská, As is the central heat source (czt) for the towns of martin and vrútky. The company produces heat and electricity through combined heat and power generation. Through heat networks it supplies heat to consumers and supplies electricity to the regional distribution system. Heat is produced by combustion of fuels (brown coal 65%, Wood chips 30% and natural gas 5%) on high-pressure steam boilers. Back-up steam turbines generate electricity, And hot water is produced at heat exchangers to supply heat to customers. In order to reduce the impact on the environment, The company has prepared a further stage in the greening of production. The greening is based on the end of the combustion of brown coal with 50% natural gas combustion replacement with an increased share of 50% wood burning. Existing installations will operate a fluidized wood burning boiler and a tg3 backpressure steam turbine. Three cogeneration units consisting of gas engines and electric generators with an electrical output of 3x10 mw will be built to produce electricity and heat to the czt system. Next, Four hot-water boilers for natural gas with a thermal output of 4x15 mw will be built to produce heat directly into the czt system. Hot-water boilers will be operating in extreme winter as top sources or backup sources in the event of a failure of other devices. With this investment, The company will greatly reduce the production of pollutants into the air and meet the legal requirements for further long-term operation, Including in relation to the bat parameters listed in the bref. The object of the contract is the construction of a cogeneration engine room, The delivery of 3 pieces of natural gas engines equipped with electric generators and fissile heat exchanger, The reconstruction of the original hot-water boiler, The delivery of 4 hot-water boilers with economizers, The supply and installation of technologies for electric power delivery and operation control. Further specification of the subject of the contract is part of the tender documents (b) description of the subject of the contract. Initial estimated total value of the contract: /lot 38 727 147.00 eurtotal value of the contract/lot 29 480 810.84 eurv.2.5)information about subcontractingsection vi complementary information number of tenders received: 9 main activity:-other activity: Výroba a dodávka tepla, Teplej úžitkovej vody a elektrickej energie Slovakia Contract value : See in details Contractors : TTS MARTIN, SRO See in details 29/12/2018 29/03/2019 12118125 29/12/2018 Martinská Teplárenská, A.S. 36403016 Robotnícka 17 Martin 036 80 Slovakia Contact Person: Ing. Martin Chachula Tel: +421 415665268 E-Mail: Chachula@Eurodotacie.Sk Address : Slovakia Slovakia Contract Awards Slovakia 576806-2018 See in details 29/03/2019 See in details
Power Piece Goods Electric Power Transmission Mining Regulation and Administration of Communications Executive and Legislative Offices Apparel Construction Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Regulation and Administration of Communications Engine Agriculture Environment Executive and Legislative Offices Engine Water Piece Goods Construction Boiler
Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Gases Turbine works System, storage and content management software package Hot-water boilers Steam Networks Generators Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Hot water Control, safety, signalling and light equipment Steam, hot water and associated products Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways Mining, basic metals and related products Wells construction work Fuels Control, safety or signalling equipment for parking facilities Construction work Coal Command, control, communication systems Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations Command, control, communication and computer systems System, storage and content management software development services Networking, Internet and intranet software package Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves Engine parts Engines Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads Goods used in construction Electrical, electromagnetic and mechanical treatment Boilers Electricity Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Wood Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps Parts of turbines Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports Installation services of steam generators, turbines, compressors and burners
Wood Fuels Engines Gas engines Power generation Heat exchangers Awards Water Distribution Boilers Jacket, Winter Water, sanitation and hygiene kits Water, sanitation and hygiene kit Water, sanitation and hygiene kits Suction pump, electrical Clinical laboratory and toxicology testing systems, components, and supplies Clinical laboratory and toxicology testing systems, components, and supplies
Eastern Europe Europe
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