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Delivers Czech Republic

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Contract Award's Details : Delivers CEZ DISTRIBUCE, AS. Ii/349 Kríž. Iii/3494 - Hr. Okr. Tr Document Type: Contract Award Notice TITLE: II/349 Crus. III/3494 - hr. Okr. Tr Contract no. : N-ST-1-2020-5-46 Number reference: KSAUSVPO/006486/2022 Contract Type: Works Estimated Value: 13892456.97 - CZK Description: The subject of the public contract is the repair of the road II/349 behind the village of Otín, direction Trebíc, in the district of Ždár nad Sázavou, Vysocina Region. The beginning of the repaired section is located in km 4,820 for working joints behind the intersection with road III/3494 and the end of the repaired section is in km 6.492 at the intersection with forces. III/3496 (direction Uhrínov). The project solves the repair of the road while maintaining the existing width arrangement. The total length of the repaired section is 1,672 m, the average width of 5.6 m. The repair will be carried out with cold recycling technology with suitable binders and infiltration spraying with sub -sections throughout the section. 45233100 - Construction Work for Highways, Roads Authority Type: Regional or Local Authority Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: European Union BID Type: Not Applicable DOC TITLE: Construction Work for Highways, Roads Dispatch Date: 2022-06-10 Publish Date: 2022-06-15 Czech Republic Contract value : 39,220,300.00 CZK Contractors : KAMAT SPOL. S R.O., ENSTO CZECH, S.R.O. 09/06/2022 16/06/2022 01/01/1900 78391825 16/06/2022 REGIONAL ROAD ADMINISTRATION AND MAINTENANCE OF VYSOCINA, ALLOWANCE ORGANIZATION Address : Address: Kosovska 1122/16 Town: Jihlava NUTS -CODE: CZ063 - Vysocina Region Postal Code: 58601 Contact Point: Ing. Terezie Klímová Phone: +420 567117111 Czech Republic Czech Republic Contract Awards Czech Republic 12/05/2022 01/01/1900 13,892,456.97 CZK
Justice Bolt Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Regulation Justice Highway Construction Turned Product and Screw Other Justice Regulation Highway Agriculture Highway General Freight Trucking Other Justice Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Construction
Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Nuts Sections Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Engineering, auxiliary, average, loss, actuarial and salvage insurance services Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Construction work for highways Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment Binders Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecomm... Administration, defence and social security services Postal orders Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment Dates
Civil Works Building Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Roadways Technology Hardware and Equipment Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Building Material
Contract Value
13,892,456.97 CZK
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