Contract Details

Announcement for the Conclusion of a Building Contract for the New Construction of the Imst District Office and Wifi Oberland of the Wk Tirol (trade: Portals) in an Open Procedure According to the Provisions of the Berggg Austria

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Contract Award's Details : Announcement for the Conclusion of a Building Contract for the New Construction of the Imst District Office and Wifi Oberland of the Wk Tirol (trade: Portals) in an Open Procedure According to the Provisions of the Berggg WKT IMMOBILIEN GMBH AND CO KG Announcement for the Conclusion of a Building Contract for the New Construction of the Imst District Office and Wifi Oberland of the Wk Tirol (trade: Portals) in an Open Procedure According to the Provisions of the Berggg Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Announcement to conclude a building contract for the new construction of the IMST district office and WiFi Oberland of the WK Tirol (trade: Portals) in an open procedure according to the provisions of the BVergG Reference Number: 2022/S 218-625834 Contract type: Works Estimated value: 338052.08 - EUR Description: The trade unit -oriented includes the portals. The construction of the new district office started in March 2022. The implementation of the in question (Portals trade) depends on the enclosed schedule. The detailed services result from the LV. 45000000 - Construction Work Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: European Union, with Participation by GPA Countries BID Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Construction Work Dispatch Date: 2022-11-08 Publish Date: 2022-11-11 Austria Contract value : 338,052.08 EUR Contractors : OTTO PLATTER GMBH 27/06/2022 16/11/2022 01/01/1900 78764676 16/11/2022 WKT IMMOBILIEN GMBH AND CO KG Address : Address : Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 7 Town : Innsbruck NUTS-Code : AT - Österreich Postal Code : 6020 Phone : +43 5909050 Austria Austria Contract Awards Austria 27/06/2022 01/01/1900 338,052.08 EUR
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Contract Value
338,052.08 EUR
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