Contract Details

Maintenance and Improvement Service of Trunk Links for the Data Network of the University of Malaga Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Maintenance and Improvement Service of Trunk Links for the Data Network of the University of Malaga RECTORATE FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF MALAGA 917 2022 of the Masonry Works in Networks and Facilities, Pipes and Fontanería Reinforcements in the Municipalities that Make up the Service of Services of the Province of Huelva for Giahs ... Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: 917 2022 of the works of masonry in networks and facilities, channels and fontanería reinforcements in the municipalities that make up the service of services of the province of Huelva for Giahsa (Huelva) Contract No.: 917/22 Reference Number: 917 2022 Contract Type: Works Estimated Value: 2264319.58 - EUR Description: 917 2022 of the works of masonry in networks and facilities, channels and plumbing reinforcements in the municipalities that make up the service of services of the province of Huelva for Giahsa (Huelva) 45000000 - CONSTRUCTION WORK Authority Type: Entity utilities Type of procedure: Open procedure Regulation: European Union Bid Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Construction Work Disa Date: 2023-01-24 Publish Date: 2023-01-27 Spain Contract value : 268,752.00 EUR Contractors : VODAFONE ESPAÑA, S.A.U. 23/01/2023 28/01/2023 01/01/1900 79014989 28/01/2023 EXECUTIVE COMMISSION OF INTEGRAL WATER MANAGEMENT OF HUELVA Address : Vía: Road A-492 km., 4 C.P.: 21110 Population: Aljaraque Country: Spain Telephone: +34 959310310 Email: Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 20/01/2023 01/01/1900 2,264,319.58 EUR
Regulation Regulation and Administration of Communications Plumbing Construction Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Regulation Executive Colleges Regulation and Administration of Communications Colleges Agriculture Plumbing Colleges Executive Management Water Construction
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Pipes Trunks Wells construction work Masonry work Construction work Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Networking, Internet and intranet software package Other services Goods used in construction Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Dates
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Services Cement and Asbestos Products Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Industry Building Material Construction Materials
Contract Value
2,264,319.58 EUR
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