Contract Details

Creating a Cadastral Map and Cadastral Registers of Urbanized Territories and Elimination of a Clear Factual Error in Built -up Territories (continues in Section Vi: Additional Information) Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Creating a Cadastral Map and Cadastral Registers of Urbanized Territories and Elimination of a Clear Factual Error in Built -up Territories (continues in Section Vi: Additional Information) AGENCY FOR GEODESY, CARTOGRAPHY AND CADASTRE delivery of Food for the Needs of Home Social Patronage and Baby Milk Kitchen on the Territory of Suvorovo Municipality Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of food for the needs of home social patronage and baby milk kitchen on the territory of Suvorovo Municipality Contract No. : 76344 Reference Number: 2023/S 015-039773 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 286000.00 - Bgn Description: The main goals of the order are: 1) Provision of quality, healthy and nutritious food to the users of home social patronage and children's milk kitchen of municipal budget maintenance on the territory of Suvorovo Municipality; 2) ensuring the correct regime for the users of the children's/social establishments, taking into account the requirements of the Law on Food and the Regulations for its implementation; 3) improving the quality and conditions under which the nutrition is carried out; 4) Increasing the speed of delivery when needed for food. The type and quantity of food are indicated in the technical specification - an integral part of this documentation. 15000000 - Food, Beverage, Tobacco and Related Products Authority Type: Regional Or Local Authority Type of Procedur ... Bulgaria Contract value : 3,653,784.00 BGN Contractors : GEOENGINEERING LTD., GEOVET EOOD, CONSULTING AGENCY-ARGUS LTD., CARUEL LTD., ZENIT-GEO LTD., SERVI GROUP LTD., KOHAB LTD MODEL CONSULTING AGENCY LTD. 15/12/2022 18/01/2023 01/01/1900 78994147 22/01/2023 SUVOROVO MUNICIPALITY Address : Address: Square Independence No. 1 TOWN: SUVOROVO NUTS-CODE: BG331 - VARNA Postal Code: 9170 Contact Point: Daniel Slavchev Yordanov Phone: +359 51532550 FAX: +359 51029908 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 13/01/2023 01/01/1900 286,000.00 BGN
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Regulation Tobacco Regulation General Freight Trucking Agencies
Cadastral maps Mains Sections Beverages, tobacco and related products Tobacco goods Tobacco, tobacco goods and supplies Squares Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Milk Tobacco Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel
Contract Value
286,000.00 BGN
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