Contract Details

Engineering and Architecture Services, Definitive and Executive Design, Coordination of Safety During the Design Phase Relating to the restoration Works, of the Cc Barracks. Italy

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Contract Award's Details : Engineering and Architecture Services, Definitive and Executive Design, Coordination of Safety During the Design Phase Relating to the restoration Works, of the Cc Barracks. SINGLE CENTRAL OF COMMITTENCE OF THE MUNICIPALITIES OF ATHENA LUCANA, POLLA AND AULETTA ON BEHALF OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF AULETTA SA Tender Procedure for the Rental Supply of a Robotic Surgery System Necessary for the General Operating Block of the A.o. Mauritian Order of Turin Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: tender procedure for the supply in rental of a robotic surgery system necessary for the general operating block of the A.O. Mauritian order of Turin Contract No.: 1 Reference Number: 2023/S 101-315994 Contract type: Supplies Estimated Value: 8001000.00 - EUR Description: tender procedure for the supply in rental of a robotic surgery system necessary for the general operating block of the A.O. Mauritian order of Turin 33162000 - Operating Theater Devices and Instruments Authority Type: Other Type of Procedure: Open Procedures Regulation: European Union, with participation by GPA Countries Bid Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Operating Theater Devices and Instruments Dispatch Date: 2023-05-24 Publish Date: 2023-05-26 Italy Contract value : 74,579.30 EUR Contractors : INGEMA SRL, SENEAS SRL, AR PROJECT SOC. COOP CITY: AR PROJECT SOC. COOP, ING. C. TROISI 21/04/2023 26/05/2023 01/01/1900 79307968 27/05/2023 A.O. MAURITIAN ORDER OF TURIN Address : Address : VIA MAGELLANO 1 Town : Turin NUTS-Code : ITC11 - Torino Postal Code : 10128 Contact Point : Dr.ssa Carmelina SIANI Phone : +39 0115082797 Italy Italy Contract Awards Italy 10/05/2023 01/01/1900 8,001,000.00 EUR
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Contract Value
8,001,000.00 EUR
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