Contract Details

Framework Agreement: Lot 1-zerzavat for Soup, Lot 2-frozen Vegetable Mixture, Lot 3-tomatoes in Broth, Lot 4-pod Beans, Lot 5-tomato Paste, Lot 6-gogon Pickles ... Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Framework Agreement: Lot 1-zerzavat for Soup, Lot 2-frozen Vegetable Mixture, Lot 3-tomatoes in Broth, Lot 4-pod Beans, Lot 5-tomato Paste, Lot 6-gogon Pickles ... POLICE AGENTE SCHOOL ' VASILE LASCAR ' CAMPINA Framework Agreement: Lot 1-zerzavat for Soup, Lot 2-frozen Vegetable Mixture, Lot 3-tomatoes in Broth, Lot 4-pod Beans, Lot 5-tomato Paste, Lot 6-gogon Pickles ... Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Framework agreement supply: Lot 1-Zerzavat for soup, lot 2-frozen vegetable mixture, lot 3-tomatoes in broth, lot 4-pod beans, lot 5-tomato paste, lot 6-pickles, donuts, Cucumbers, lot 7 - apricot jam, plums, straw Contract No.: 254177 Reference Number: I APAAP Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 1005180.74 - Ron Description: Framework agreement with several economic operators (with 3 economic operators), without resuming the competition, in accordance with the provisions of art. 114, art. 115, paragraph (2), letter b. And art. 118 letter. A, of Law no. 98/2016, and the type of contract proposed on the basis of the framework agreement is a subsequent supply contract. The minimum and maximum quantities that are the subject of the framework agreement, as well as the minimum and maximum quantities that could be the subject of a single subsequent contract are described in section II.2 List of lots. Number of days in which clarifications can be requested before the deadline for submission is 12 days. The deadline in car ... Romania Contract value : 1,005,180.74 RON Contractors : APRO-COM-IMPEX S.R.L., OLYMEL FLAMINGO FOOD S.R.L., IUSTART, PARHAN COM S.R.L., BLACK SEA EUROINVESTMENT, S. C. MCA COMERCIAL S.R.L 29/04/2022 27/01/2023 01/01/1900 79004594 27/01/2023 POLICE AGENTE SCHOOL ' VASILE LASCAR ' CAMPINA Address : Address : nr. 145 Town : Câmpina NUTS-Code : RO316 - Prahova Postal Code : 105600 Contact Point : Marian Albert Soare Phone : +40 244336251 Fax : +40 244337121 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 29/04/2022 01/01/1900 1,005,180.74 RON
Arts Fruit and Vegetable Canning
Broths Sections Vegetables Cucumbers Plums Straw Beans Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Apricots Soups Beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts Vegetables, fruits and nuts Postal orders Works of art
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Bridges and Tunnels Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Law and Legal Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry Aviation
Contract Value
1,005,180.74 RON
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