Contract Details

Provision of Services for Studying the Study and Supervision of the Construction of the Paphos-city Chrysochous Motorway, Section 1-phase (a), No. Tender: Csf / 27/2021 / Y (a) Cyprus

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Contract Award's Details : Provision of Services for Studying the Study and Supervision of the Construction of the Paphos-city Chrysochous Motorway, Section 1-phase (a), No. Tender: Csf / 27/2021 / Y (a) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Provision of Services for Studying the Study and Supervision of the Construction of the Paphos-city Chrysochous Motorway, Section 1-phase (a), No. Tender: Csf / 27/2021 / Y (a) Document Type: Contract AWARD NOTICE Title: Service for studying the study and supervision of the construction of Paphos-City Multi-City Chrysochous, Section 1-phase (a), no. Tender: CSF / 27/2021 / Y (a) CONTRACT NO. : 1 Reference Number: CSF / 27/2021 / Y (a) CONTRACT TYPE: SERVICES ESTIMATED VALUE: 159000.00 - EUR Description: The provision of services for studying the study and supervision of the construction of the Paphos-City Multi-City Motorway, Section 1 - Phase (a) 71310000 - CONSULTATIVE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES < 71311210 - Highways Consultancy Services 71312000 - Structural Engineering Consultancy Services 71314100 - ELECTRICAL SERVICES < 71320000 - Engineering Design Services 71322000 - Engineering Design Services for the Construction of Civil Engineering Works 71334000 - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services 71520000 - Construction Supervision Services 71631400 - TECHNICAL INSPECTION SERVICES OF ENGINEERING STRUCTURES Authority Type: MINISTRY OR ANY OTHER NATIONAL OR FEDERAL AUTHORITY Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: European Union, with Participati ... Cyprus Contract value : 159,000.00 EUR Contractors : P. PAPADOPOULOS AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS L.L.C. 05/04/2022 23/04/2022 01/01/1900 78282450 23/04/2022 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Address : ADDRESS: Strovolos Avenue 165 Town: Nicosia NUTS-CODE: CY - Cyprus / Kýpros Postal Code: 2048 Contact Point: Evangelos Capelis Phone: +357 22806682 Fax: +357 22498932 Cyprus Cyprus Contract Awards Cyprus 05/04/2022 01/01/1900 159,000.00 EUR
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Contract Value
159,000.00 EUR
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