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implementation of Construction and Assembly Works of Existing Buildings, Sites, Facilities and Adjacent Terrains for the Needs of Varna Municipality at Separate Positions for Lot 1 Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : implementation of Construction and Assembly Works of Existing Buildings, Sites, Facilities and Adjacent Terrains for the Needs of Varna Municipality at Separate Positions for Lot 1 MUNICIPALITY OF VARNA run. of the Construction Hall d-h - Oss. Remember. and Prom. in Upi I, Kv.45, of the Cg on Pt-t prom. to a Cult. Infase - H. DOCUMENT TYPE: CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Title: Run. of the construction hall D-h - Oss. Remember. and prom. in UPI I, Kv.45, of the CGH Pod-h in France. On PT-T Prom. to a cult. INFASE-HDOV in BG16RFOP001-1.001-039 Exhibition of Integra. Pl. for the town of Rest. and Razandier CONTRACT NO. : DOP-86 REFERENCE NUMBER: 2021 / S 086-221459 CONTRACT TYPE: WORKS ESTIMATED VALUE: 1750584.76 - BGN Description: The subject of the order includes: repair and renovation of the building of the Dobrich Hall in order to update the site by performing: Repair and replacement of roof coverings; Repair of premises by replacing flooring and dyeing / linings; Interior doors replacement; Implementation of measures for energy efficiency and environmental protection, including thermal insulation and replacement of external joinery; Improving access for people with disabilities to ensure equal access to cultural services of representatives from disadvantaged groups by providing an accessible architectural environment with: - the disabled ramp - to provide access for disabled people to a hall; Lifting platform for disabled - to provide access for people with disabilities from the ground floor to the visual room; CLOSED ... Bulgaria Contract value : 58,131.83 BGN Contractors : PAINT-VARNA EOOD 15/04/2021 08/05/2021 See in details 77248750 10/05/2021 MUNICIPALITY OF DOBRICH Address : ADDRESS: Ul. Bulgaria 12 TOWN: DOBRICH NUTS-CODE: BG331 - VARNA Postal Code: 9300 Contact Point: Velina Trifona Phone: +359 58600050 FAX: +359 58600166 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 31/03/2021 See in details 1,750,584.76 BGN
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Contract Value
1,750,584.76 BGN
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