Contract Details

Supply Of Equipment For Recreational Area la Zarzuela, Lots 3, 4 And 7 Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Supply Of Equipment For Recreational Area la Zarzuela, Lots 3, 4 And 7 Alcaldía Del Ayuntamiento De Vilches nTeléfono +034 953630075 nCorreo Electrónico Secretario@Vilches.Com Sitio Web nHttp://Vilches.Sedelectronica.Es Material And Prostheses For Pulmonology (spain-saragossa: Medical Equipments, Pharmaceuticals And Personal Care Products) Contract award notice: Material and prostheses for pulmonology (spain-saragossa: Medical equipments, Pharmaceuticals and personal care products) a80401821 madrid spain nuts code: Es the contractor is an sme: No v.2.4) information on value of the contract / lot (excluding vat) total value of the contract / lot: Eur 16,000.00 v.2.5) information about subcontracting section v: Award of contract contract no: 11190008240100016088 title: Material and prostheses for pulmonology a contract / lot is awarded: Yes v.2) award of contract v.2.1) date of conclusion of the contract: 07/30/2019 v.2.2) information about tenders number of tenders received: 16 number of tenders received from smes: 3 the contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No v.2.3) name and address of the contractor hospital hispania, Sl b59078071 san sebastian de los reyes (madrid) 28703 spain nuts code: Es the contractor is an sme: Yes v.2.4) information on value of the contract / lot (excluding vat) total value of the contract / lot: 3 346.36 eur v.2.5) information about subcontracting section v: Award of contract contract no: 11190008240100058761 title: Material and prostheses for pulmonology a contract / lot is awarded: Yes v.2) award of contract v.2.1) date of conclusion of the contract: 07/30/2019 v.2.2) information about tenders number of tenders received: 16 number of tenders received from smes: 3 the contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No v.2.3) name and address of the contractor izasa hospital, Slu b08438731 l`hospitalet de llobregat (barcelona) spain nuts code: Es the contractor is an sme: No v.2.4) information on value of the contract / lot (excluding vat) total value of the contract / lot: 28 560.00 eur v.2.5) information about subcontracting section v: Award of contract contract no: 11190008240100045826 title: Material and prostheses for pulmonology a contract / lot is awarded: Yes v.2) award of contract v.2.1) date of conclusion of the contract: 07/30/2019 v.2.2) information about tenders number of tenders received: 16 number of tenders received from smes: 3 the contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No v.2.3) name and address of the contractor keylab medical, Sl b61053922 barcelona spain nuts code: Es the contractor is an sme: Yes v.2.4) information on value of the contract / lot (excluding vat) total value of the contract / lot: 4 308.00 eur v.2.5) information about subcontracting section v: Award of contract contract no: 11190008240100094440 title: Material and prostheses for pulmonology a contract / lot is awarded: Yes v.2) award of contract v.2.1) date of conclusion of the contract: 07/30/2019 v.2.2) information about tenders number of tenders received: 16 number of tenders received from smes: 3 the contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No v.2.3) name and address of the contractor linde Spain Contract value : 13,782.00 EUR Contractors : VER DETALLE DE LA ADJUDICACIÓN See in details 21/09/2019 08/11/2019 13656683 08/08/2019 Servicio Aragonés De Salud, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet Q5000442c Paseo Isabel La Católica, 1-3 Zaragoza 50009 Spain Tel: +34 976765518 E-Mail: Concursos-Hms@Salud.Aragon.Es Fax: +34 976765519 Address : Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 374708-2019 See in details 08/11/2019 16,000.00 EUR
Bolt Turned Product and Screw Machinery Medical Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Medical
Medical equipments Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products Nuts Sections Recreational, cultural and sporting services Vats Dates
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Human Resource-HR Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Pharmaceuticals Aviation Electronics
Contract Value
16,000.00 EUR
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