Contract Details

Cl8f Extension Of Wastewater Collection And Transport System And Drinking Water Supply In Brasov, Stupini, Feldioara. (romania-brasov: Foul-water Piping Construction Work) Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Cl8f Extension Of Wastewater Collection And Transport System And Drinking Water Supply In Brasov, Stupini, Feldioara. (romania-brasov: Foul-water Piping Construction Work) Cl8f Extension Of Wastewater Collection And Transport System And Drinking Water Supply In Brasov, Stupini, Feldioara. (romania-brasov: Foul-water Piping Construction Work) Contract award notice: Cl8f extension of wastewater collection and transport system and drinking water supply in brasov, Stupini, Feldioara. (romania-brasov: Foul-water piping construction work) ro 16638243 str. Apollo movila nr. 15 timisoara 300 397 romania phone: +40 256401031 e-mail: nuts code: Ro424 contractor is an sme: No v.2.4) information on value of contract (s) (excluding vat) (do you agree with publication? Yes) estimated total value of the contract / lot: 14 292 462.95 eur total amount of the contract / lot: 12 110 264.61 eur v.2.5) information about subcontracting v.2.6) price paid for opportunity purchases section vi: Complementary information vi.3) additional information: Vi.4) dispute review procedures vi.4.1) body responsible for appeal procedures national council for solving complaints bucharest romania vi.4.2) body responsible for mediation procedures vi.4.3) dispute resolution vi.4.4) service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained vi.5) date of dispatch of this notice: 18/04/2019 summary 19/04/2019 s78 - - works - contract award notice - open procedure i. Ii. Iv. V. Vi. Romania-brasov: Foul-water piping construction work 2019 / s 078-188256 contract award notice - utilities the results of the procurement procedure works legal basis: Directive 2014/25 / eu section i: Contracting entity i.1) name and address of economic operator company apa brasov sa ro 1096128 str. Vlad tepes nr. 11 brasov 500 092 romania contact person: Hurghis dorin telephone: +40 268407723 e-mail: nuts code: Ro122 internet address (es): Main address: Https:// address of the buyer profile: Https:// i.6) main activity water section ii: Object ii.1) scope of the contract ii.1.1) title attributed to the contract : Cl8f extension of wastewater collection and transport system and drinking water supply in brasov, Stupini, Feldioara. Ii.1.2) main ecc code 45232411 ii.1.3) type of contract works ii.1.6) information about lots this contract is divided into lots: No ii.1.7) total final value of contract (s) value excluding vat: 12 110 264.61 eur ii.2) description ii.2.1) title: Ii.2.2) additional service (s) 45232411 ii.2.3) site of performance nuts code: Ro122 section iv: Procedure iv.2) administrative information iv.2.1) previous publication concerning this procedure notice number in oj. S 2018 / s 052-116368 section v: Award of contract contract no: Cl8f-l20190303 title: Extension of waste water collection and transport system and drinking water supply in brasov, Stupini, Feldioara the contract / lot is awarded: Yes v.2) award of contract v.2.1) date of conclusion of the contract: 03/06/2019 v.2.2) information about tenders number of tenders received: 8 the contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No v.2.3) name and address of the c Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : LUDWIG PFEIFFER SRL See in details 19/04/2019 19/07/2019 13165015 19/04/2019 Address : Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 188256-2019 See in details 19/07/2019 See in details
Bolt Regulation and Administration of Communications Construction Turned Product and Screw Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Regulation and Administration of Communications Agriculture Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Water Construction
Profiles Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste System, storage and content management software package Mains Nuts Sections Publications Office, school and office equipment cleaning services System, storage and content management software development services Drinking water Vats Other services Foul-water piping construction work Dates
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