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Vws Procedure for Obtaining a Recognition As an Expertise Center for Rare Disorders (ecza) Netherlands

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Contract Award's Details : Vws Procedure for Obtaining a Recognition As an Expertise Center for Rare Disorders (ecza) MINISTRY OF HEALTH, WELFARE AND SPORT Vws Procedure for Obtaining a Recognition As an Expertise Center for Rare Disorders (ecza) Document type: Contract Award Notice Title: VWS procedure for obtaining a recognition as an expertise center for rare disorders (ECZA) Reference number: 201865006.029.011 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 6549537 - EUR Description: In 2016, the EU made a formal start to release a call for the establishment of European Reference Networks (Erns) for rare disorders and in March 2017 24 Erns officially started. Within this Erns, people from expertise centers work together for rare disorders (ECZA), bundle their knowledge and refer to each other, with the aim of improving care for people with rare disorders. Participation of an expertise center for an it is only permitted if an expertise center is recognized by the national government as a Designated Center of Expertise or Reference for rare disorders. Candidate ECZA requests VWS for recognition such as ECZA for a certain (group) rare condition (s). VWS itself is unable to assess whether a candidate can be recognized ECZA. This requires an independent, knowledgeable and broadly supported advice from Expe ... Netherlands Contract value : 6,549,537.00 EUR Contractors : DUTCH FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTERS (NFU) 14/05/2024 01/06/2024 18/05/2029 81667181 01/06/2024 MINISTRY OF HEALTH, WELFARE AND SPORT Address : Town: The Hague Phone: 00 Netherlands Netherlands Contract Awards Netherlands 14/05/2024 18/05/2029 6,549,537.00 EUR
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